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Q: What is the variable in the expression 2y plus 7?
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What is the variable in expression 2y 7?


What is this 3x equals 2y plus 7 in standard form?

It is an expression in two variable: it is NOT an equation. There is no standard form for expressions.

What is 3x-2y plus 7 plus 3x simplify the following expression?

Combine like terms. 6x - 2y +7.

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Simplify the variable expression which is 6x plus 1 plus 7-3x.?

3x + 8

3x plus 2y?

3x plus 2y can be expressed mathematically as (3x + 2y).

What is the answer to 2y plus 15 plus 7?

It is 2y + 22 = 2(y + 11)

How do you simplify the expression 7x plus 14 diveded 3x plus 6y plus nx plus 2ny by factorising the numerator and denoinator first?

Numerator = 7x + 14 = 7*(x + 2) Denominator = 3x + 6y + nx + 2ny = 2*(x + 2y) + n*(x + 2y) = (x + 2y)*(2 + n) There are no common factors between the numerator and denominator and so the expression cannot be simplified.

How do you work out x plus 2y equals 7?

x+2y = 7 2y = -x+7 y = -0.5x+3.5

What is 3x equals 2y plus 7 in standard form?

3x + 2y = 7

What are the values of x and y in the equation 3x plus 2y equals 5x plus 2y equals 7 show work?

If: 3x+2y = 5x+2y = 7 which is the same as 7 = 7 = 7 Then: 3x+2y = 7 and 5x+2y = 7 Subtracting equations: x = 0 Therefore by substitution: x = 0 and y = 3.5