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Q: What is the vertex of a parabola that opens down called?
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What is maximum or minimum of a parabola depending on whether the parabola opens up or down?


What is the standard equation of a parabola that opens up or down and whose vertex is at the origin?

focus , directrix

What equation describes a parabola that opens up or down and whose vertex at the point (hv)?

This is called the 'standard form' for the equation of a parabola:y =a (x-h)2+vDepending on whether the constant a is positive or negative, the parabola will open up or down.

To find the value of a in a parabola opening up or down subtract the y-value of the parabola at the vertex from the y-value of the point on the parabola that is one unit to the of the vertex?

To find the value of a in a parabola opening up or down subtract the y-value of the parabola at the vertex from the y-value of the point on the parabola that is one unit to the right of the vertex.

What is the point of which a parabola intersects the axis of symmetry called?

if it opens up then the point is called the minimum if it opens down its called the maximum

To find the value of a in a parabola opening up or down, subtract the y-value of the parabola at the vertex from the y-value of the point on the parabola that is one unit to the of the vertex?


What is the standard equation for vertex at origin opens down 1 and 76 units between the vertex and focus?

Since the vertex is at the origin and the parabola opens downward, the equation of the parabola is x2 = 4py, where p < 0, and the axis of symmetry is the y-axis. So the focus is at y-axis at (0, p) and the directrix equation is y = -p. Now, what do you mean with 1 and 76 units? 1.76 units? If the distance of the vertex and the focus is 1.76 units, then p = -1.76, thus 4p = -7.04, then the equation of the parabola is x2 = -7.04y.

Determine whether the parabola y equals -x2 plus 15x plus 8 opens up down left or right?

when you have y=+/-x2 +whatever, the parabola opens up y=-(x2 +whatever), the parabola opens down x=+/-y2 +whatever, the parabola opens right x=-(y2 +whatever), the parabola opens left so, your answer is up

Is it true graph is reflected about the x-axis and the parabola opens down?

No. A parabola can open up or down.

The maximum or minimum of a parabola depending on whether the parabola opens up or down?

A parabola opening up has a minimum, while a parabola opening down has a maximum.

What does calculate the vertex mean in math terms?

Most likely you have an equation of a parabola. The vertex of a parabola is the location where it changes from going down, to going up (a simplified explanation). Most parabolas that we think of are oriented up or down (the axis is parallel to the y axis), but they could be oriented sideways, or even at an angle. To calculate the vertex of a parabola ususally means to find the coordinates of the vertex.

When will parabola open down?

In classic geometry, it opens down when the directrix is above the focus.In analytical (coordinate) geometry, if the equation of the parabola isy = ax^2 + bx + c, it opens down if a < 0.