Volar(sometimes used as a synonym for "palmar") refers to the underside, for both the palm and the sole (plantar), as in volar pads on the underside of hands, fingers, feet and toes.
Whorl, which is caused by a high centered volar pad during fetal development.
Carpet area is carpet area and retail area is retail area
Area having a common drainage is catchment area, whereas area which is uses that water from common drainage area is command area.
Built up area is the area which has been developed.and floor area is the area which is about to built or about to develope.
The area of Siffleur Wilderness Area is 412.14 square kilometers.
The volar area is superior to the plantar area. The volar area refers to the palm side of the hand or the underside of the foot, while the plantar area refers to the sole of the foot.
Volar Airlines ended in 2005.
Volar Airlines was created in 2001.
No Podemos Volar was created on 13-10-12.
The volar is located on the sole of your foot or on the palm of your hand.
Aprender a volar - 1994 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
Palm surface of arm,-volar thumb side- lateral.odd quesyion!
There are a lot of good songs which is performed by the band Dejala Volar. However, one of the best known song of the band Dejala Volar is No La Maltrates.
"Vaelar" or "volar" typically refers to flying or moving through the air. It can also express the feeling of freedom or weightlessness associated with flight.
It means to Fly in spanish