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cantaloupe is 95% water and 5% sugar.

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Q: What is the water content percentage of cantaloupe?
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Related questions

What is cantaloupe called in Hindi or in India?

Cantaloupe is known as "Kharbuja" in Hindi, and it is commonly enjoyed in India during the summer months due to its refreshing taste and high water content.

Is cantaloupe a good choice for weight loss?

Cantaloupe is okay but you should eat it in moderation because there is a high sugar content to it... if you are working out enough it is fine. There are approximately 53-55 calories in a cup of cantaloupe.

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The percentage of water content in arrowroot stands at 63%.

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Moisture content refers to the amount of water present in a material, expressed as a percentage of the material's total weight. Water content specifically refers to the quantity of water contained in a material, without taking into account any other volatile components. In general, water content is a subset of moisture content.

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The salt content in water is referred to as salinity. It is typically measured in parts per thousand (ppt) or as a percentage.

Relative humidity is always expressed?

Yes. It is the percentage of the maximum water vapor content for a given temperature.

How do you calculate efficiency of air dryer?

The efficiency of an air dryer can be calculated by measuring the difference in the water content of the air before and after passing through the dryer, and then dividing this by the initial water content to get a percentage. The efficiency is typically expressed as the percentage of water removed from the air.

What fruits contain water?

All fruit contain water. The following fruits have high percentages of water in them: Watermelon (92% water) Strawberry (92% water) Grapefruit (91% water) Cantaloupe (90% water)

How do you say soil has water content in?

The water content of soil is expressed as a percentage, i.e. the percentage of the soil that is water. To calculate, weigh the mass of a sample of soil. Let this be W. Then dry the soil in an oven (be careful not to burn it) and weigh the dry soil. Let this be D. The soil moisture content, M = W-D/W x 100.

Can dogs have cantelope?

Yes, dogs can have cantaloupe in moderation. Cantaloupe is safe for dogs to eat as a healthy treat due to its high water content and essential nutrients. Remember to remove the seeds and rind before offering it to your dog.