a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
The denominator of the fraction is determined by the number of decimal places in the decimal number. If there is one decimal place, the denominator will be 10. If there are two decimal places, the denominator will be 100, and so on.
A proper fraction, that is, one with no whole number part, for which the denominator of the fraction is an integral power of ten, may be converted to a decimal of the form: decimal point followed by one fewer zeros than the power of ten in the denominator, followed by the numerator of the fraction.
A proper fraction in which the denominator is a power of 10.
47.293 = 47293/1000
A decimal fraction.
a power of 10
a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
Complex fraction Complex fraction - A complex fraction is a fraction where the numerator and/or denominator are a fraction. Decimal - A decimal is a number based on the number 10. It can be thought of as a special type of fraction where the denominator is a power of 10. Decimal point - A period or dot that is part of a decimal number.
A decimal fraction is called such because it can be represented by a fraction with a denominator with a power of 10.
The denominator of the fraction is determined by the number of decimal places in the decimal number. If there is one decimal place, the denominator will be 10. If there are two decimal places, the denominator will be 100, and so on.
A proper fraction, that is, one with no whole number part, for which the denominator of the fraction is an integral power of ten, may be converted to a decimal of the form: decimal point followed by one fewer zeros than the power of ten in the denominator, followed by the numerator of the fraction.
You can either calculate the fraction and raise the result to the 100th power or raise the numerator to the 100th power and divide it by the denominator raised to the 100th power.
Reduce the fraction to its simplest form - that is, remove any common factors between the numerator and denominator. If the denominator now is a factor of some power of 10, that is, if the denominator is of the form 2a*5b then the fraction will me a terminating decimal. If not, it will not.
A proper fraction in which the denominator is a power of 10.
47.293 = 47293/1000
To a power of 10 (to 10, 100, 1000, etc.).