sixth is an ordinal number already. six is the related cardinal number.
One-sixth of six is equal to one. This can be calculated by dividing six by six, which equals one, and then multiplying the result by one-sixth. Therefore, one-sixth of six is one.
Yes - cardinal numbers are the counting numbers. This is as distinct from ordinal numbers - the corresponding ordinal number for 66 is sixty-sixth.
One forty sixth thousand six hundred and fifty sixth.
sixth is an ordinal number already. six is the related cardinal number.
Cardinal numbers such as six are adjectives.
The address of the William Cardinal O'Connell Branch is: 48 Sixth Street, Cambridge, 02141 2106
Yes - cardinal numbers are the counting numbers. This is as distinct from ordinal numbers - the corresponding ordinal number for 66 is sixty-sixth.
One forty sixth thousand six hundred and fifty sixth.
Cardinal numbers such as six are adjectives.
(one sixth) divided by six = 0.0277777778
You have to add six and five...
The sixth of a circle is called a sextant. The prefix: sex, meaning six. Another prefix for six is hexa.
Yes, the word 'sixth' functions as a noun and an adjective.The noun 'sixth' is a word for one of six equal parts or number six in a series; a word for a thing.Examples:Each winner will receive a sixth of the jackpot. (noun)I'm collecting the special issues. This is my sixth. (noun)It really gets interesting in the sixth chapter. (adjective)