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Q: What is used to give the location of a point in the coordinate plane?
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Ten vectors addtogether to give zero resultant it is possible that nine of this vectors are in the same plane but the tenth not on this plane?

No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.

How do you find y coordinate when they give you x coordinate and a slope?

Jaxyn and ollie

Give a line and a point not on the line how many planes do they define?

They define one plane. A line is defined by two points, and it takes three points to define a plane, so two points on the line, and one more point not on the line equals one plane.

Point in geometry give 5 examples?

A point in geometry is defined as any exact location on a plane. It has no size, even if it is represented on a graph by a dot. A point has no measurement - it is just one specific place, and it is usually named with a capital letter. So 5 examples on any graph could include A, B, C, D, and E as points.

A figure in the coordinate plane is reflected across the line y=x+2 and then across the line y=x+4. what is the translation vector that describes the composition of the reflections Give your answer in vector format?


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Ten vectors addtogether to give zero resultant it is possible that nine of this vectors are in the same plane but the tenth not on this plane?

No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.No. Let's assume the plane has coordinates x and y; the vector outside the plane has a component for the z-coordinate. In that case, another vector (or several) must also have a component in the z-coordinate, to compensate.

What is the set of points in a plane at a given distance from a given point in that plane?

These point are usually called loci as they are defined by a give set of rules.

What coordinate is used to locate points on grids?

Not a coordinate but a pair (or larger set) of coordinates.These are ordered sets of numbers that give the distance of the point, from the origin, along each of the axes in multidimensional space.

Give the coordinates of the point located halfway between 2 1 and 2 4?

The idea is to calculate the average of the x-coordinates (this will be the x-coordinate of the answer), and the average of the y-coordinates (this will be the y-coordinate of the answer).

How do you work out a coordinate when there are no numbers on the x and y axis?

To work out a coordinate when there are no numbers on either the X or Y axis begin by drawing a vertical line down from the point of interest and have it cross the horizontal axis. Where the two meet label it as X and then use a ruler to measure from the 0 point to the X. This will give you the X axis coordinate. Repeat the process to find the Y coordinate but draw a horizontal line from the point of interest instead of a vertical line.

What name is used to describe the numbers that give the location of a point?


What is the x coordinate of the point given below?

I cannot see the graph. I'm assuming the point is on a coordinate graph. Without seeing the graph, the x coordinate cannot be found but I can give a little advice. When reading coordinates, the x coordinate (or x-ordinate to be exact) is the first number in the ordered pair (x,y). To remember this, think alphabetically, x comes before y. On a coordinate plane, to find the x-ordinate you need to count how far left/right the point is from y axis (up /down axis). Given graph paper makes this easier. If you do not have graph paper, draw a line straight up and down from the point until your line reaches the x axis (left/right axis) and then read the number where your line intersects the x-axis, this is your x ordinate. If your point is to the right of the y-axis, the x ordinate would be positive; if to the left of the y-axis, your x-ordinate would be negative; if your point is on the y axis; your x-ordinate is 0.

How do you find y coordinate when they give you x coordinate and a slope?

Jaxyn and ollie

Give a line and a point not on the line how many planes do they define?

They define one plane. A line is defined by two points, and it takes three points to define a plane, so two points on the line, and one more point not on the line equals one plane.

Point in geometry give 5 examples?

A point in geometry is defined as any exact location on a plane. It has no size, even if it is represented on a graph by a dot. A point has no measurement - it is just one specific place, and it is usually named with a capital letter. So 5 examples on any graph could include A, B, C, D, and E as points.

A figure in the coordinate plane is reflected across the line y=x+2 and then across the line y=x+4. what is the translation vector that describes the composition of the reflections Give your answer in vector format?


When can a plane mirror give real point size image?

okay i have a question . do you mean using one or two mirrors ?