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Q: What kind of data would you display in the line graph?
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What kind of graph would you use to display data about temperatures for a week?

probably orographic bar graph would work the best!

Would a line graph be a good way to display data?

it depends on what kind of data you are desplaying. if there is only one type of data that is all related and conected, a line graph would be a good thing to use.

What kind of graph would be the best choice to display data about the mass of an owl from birth to 18 mouths?

months* I think the best choice would be a line graph since line graphs are known to display data that changes over time. In your question the mass probably changes throughout an owl's life. This info would show clearly in a line graph since the mass changes.

What kind of graph shows changes to data over time with points connected to each other?

A line graph is used to display data over time with points connected by lines. This type of graph highlights trends and patterns in the data.

What kind of data would you record in a bar graph?

You use it when you are comparing data.

What kind of graph uses symbols to display data?

The answer is probably Bar graph or pictograph. I'm a kid. So, I don't know what the answer is.Patty MartinPeace Out dudes!

What type of graph would you use for comparing 2 similar kinds of data?

It depends on the kind of data you have, but a scatter plot or bar graph would be best.

What graph is used to discrete data?

Any kind of graph can be used for discrete data.

What graph is used for quantitative data?

Any kind of graph can be used for quantitative data.

What does data look like?

a data i like a graph it could be any kind of graph pie,bar,line graph

What kind of graph would you use for numerical data?

you could use almost any kind of graph if you label it. But i would stay away from pie graphs. I would use a box and whisker plot.

Which kind graph of would be best for depicting data collected on the weight of a baby every month for six months?

Bar Graph