you make them have like denominators by multiplying so many times that they have the same denominators or you can make them have like denominators by multiplying the two
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
The same way as proper fractions. Make sure the denominators are the same. If they're not, convert them to equivalent fractions with similar denominators. Then you can see which numerator is greater.
You have to make the fractions equivalent, which means you need to find the lowest common factor that goes into both the denominators.
It's the same thing as adding or subtracting normal fractions - just make sure both fractions have the same denominators (by either multiplying the denominators or simplifying the fraction - whichever the question needs).
you make them have like denominators by multiplying so many times that they have the same denominators or you can make them have like denominators by multiplying the two
depends on what kind of number it is
you must make the denominators the same first in order to add them once they are added, the denominators stay the same and the top combines
because they are the same number
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
Speak the English language. Repeat. and repeat. and repeat. and repeat....
The same way as proper fractions. Make sure the denominators are the same. If they're not, convert them to equivalent fractions with similar denominators. Then you can see which numerator is greater.
the answer is REPEAT
the most important thing is to change the denominators so u can make common denominators
You have to make the fractions equivalent, which means you need to find the lowest common factor that goes into both the denominators.
first make denominators the same and add.
No. you must make the denominators the same