Any number can be written as a fraction. If you can't find one, just write the number over one. For example: 3,624 can be written as 3624/1. You can reduce 3624/1 to 3,624 (a whole number)
Irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions.
Numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational.
Decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational numbers
Any terminating/rational number can be written as a fraction.
It is a ratio.
Irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions.
Numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational.
They are the decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions.
They are called rational numbers that can be expressed as fractions
I think it 's fractions yea fractions
Decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational numbers
Any terminating/rational number can be written as a fraction.
It depends on what kind of fraction you are doing. Like some numbers are prime and some are composite.
all rational numbers can be written as fractions. That is the definition of rational numbers.
It is a ratio.
fractions can't be written as a mixed number because it's already a fraction but im not sure about ratios.