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An area and by someone who cannot or will not use metric units. Floor space of a room, or carpet, side of a wall, a poster, a playing field, garden are some examples.

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Q: What kind of object would square feet be used to measure?
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What is the ratio between square feet and Cubic ft?

There is no direct ratio between square feet and cubic feet as they measure different aspects of an object. Square feet measure the surface area of a two-dimensional space, while cubic feet measure the volume of a three-dimensional space. It would depend on the specific dimensions of the object being measured.

How many square feet is 6 foot by 5 foot?

Because square foot is a measure of area, you would find square feet by using an area formula. Simply multiply the sides of an object, which in your case are 6 and 5 feet, to find the answer. Your object is 30 square feet total.

Would Cover a bulletin board with colored paper be feet or square feet?

It would be square feet which is a measure of area.

How would you convert ninety-one square feet into linear feet?

You cannot, square feet is a measure of area feet are a measure of length the two are not interchangeable

How do you measure a capet what measure what would you use?

Carpeting is measured in square feet or square meters.

If you have 145 square feet how much would I need in cubic feet?

This is not a correct conversion. Cubic feet is a measure of volume while square feet is a measure of area.

Calculate square feet from linear square feet?

Feet can't be converted to square feet. Feet measure length, while square feet measure area.

How many square feet in 1 kilogram?

We can be converting square feet to square kilograms by knowing the feet and kilograms of an object but we will also be checking other dimensions but we can keep them constant.

If an object is a perfect square with a measure of 56 square feet what would be its demensions?

sqrt 56 = sqrt 4 x sqrt 14 = 2 root 14 = 7 feet 5.8 inches on a side..

What is the measute of the size of the suface of an object or a region is its?

The measure of the size of the surface of an object or region is its area. Area is typically measured in square units such as square meters or square feet.

What are the dimensions in miles of a square that is 8 million square feet?

Each side of the square would measure 2,828.43 feet making the perimeter of the square 11,313.72 feet. The diagonal of the square would be 4,000 feet.

What would you use to measure the distance around a school building feet cubic feet square feet or square miles?
