Every plane has 3 or more. There is a projective (or affine) plane with only 3 points.
Any 3 points determine a plane.
No, 2 points define a line, 3 points define a plane.
Any three points which do not form a line.
No, A plane can be drawn through any 3 points. If the 3 points are collinear then they make a line and a plane can contain a line. If the points are noncollinear then they can be used to form the corners of a triangle; all points of a triangle are in the same plane.
no 2 points form a line, 3 points form a plane
A plane has an infinite number of points. It takes 3 points to fix a plane i.e. you need 3 points to identify one unique plane.
There are an infinite number of any kind of points in any plane. But once you have three ( 3 ) non-collinear points, you know exactly which plane they're in, because there's no other plane that contains the same three non-collinear points.
Any 3 points determine a plane.
No, 2 points define a line, 3 points define a plane.
Any three points which do not form a line.
Any 4 points can lie in a plane, 3 points determine a plane and just take the 4th to be say the origin.
No, A plane can be drawn through any 3 points. If the 3 points are collinear then they make a line and a plane can contain a line. If the points are noncollinear then they can be used to form the corners of a triangle; all points of a triangle are in the same plane.
no 2 points form a line, 3 points form a plane
Any 3 points
If you are given a plane, you can always find and number of points that are not in that plane but, given anythree points there is always at least one plane that goes through all three.
Because a place can rotate around those two points as long as the line in on the plane. Two points defines a line. A plane requires 3 points.