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Q: What level of measurement is used for age group?
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What level of measurement is used for age?

It's Ratio.

What are some examples of ratio level of measurement?

Examples of ratio level of measurement are age, weight, and amount of money.

What is the level of measurement for Year of Birth nominal or ordinal?

Year of birth is interval level of measurement; age is ratio.

Is employee age an ordinal scale?

Employee age is a ratio level of measurement. Requirements of ratio level of measurement are: A) has a natural zero (in case of age is birth) and B) differences and ratio's are meaningful (for age 4 is twice as old as 2).

Is the category of ages nominal or ordinal data?

Neither, age is at a ratio level of measurement.

What are demographic characteristics?

Age and gender

What is the IQ?

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a measurement of a person's cognitive abilities compared to others in their age group. It is typically assessed through standardized tests and is used as an estimate of a person's intellectual capacity. A higher IQ score indicates a higher level of cognitive ability, while a lower score indicates a lower level.

What age group had the highest level of income?

45 to 54

Is age a ordinal variable?

No It's continuous variable a that also falls under the category of 'ratio level of measurement'

What is the net attendance ratio of Punjab?

The standard definition of the Net Attendence Ratio is "number of pupils in the official age group for a given level of education who attend school in that level, expressed as a percentage of the population in that age group

Does demographic mean age?

No, demographic refers to characteristics such as age, gender, income, education level, and location that are used to classify and study a population. Age is just one aspect of demographics.

What age group of the US posses the lowest level of voter participation?

The ages of 18 to 39