No It's continuous variable a that also falls under the category of 'ratio level of measurement'
It depends how we have computed %age. By and large, percentage is a summary statistic. Its a categorical variable (may be nominal or ordinal). That way its a discrete. In case of assay or yield computations it becomes a continuous variable. Naresh K Chawla
Age is none of the items listed. Age is ratio data.
Actually, it can be and is frequently treated as either. If the data is collected as a numerical value (for example, $35,500), then it is continuous. However, it is often simpler and more useful, especially in surveys, to collect the data as a set of ranges (20,000 - 29,999; 30,000 - 39,999; etc.). In this case, it would be an ordinal variable. Ordinal variables are discreet categories that still have a rank order.
Ordinal. Though more likely interval or even ratio scale.
It depends how we have computed %age. By and large, percentage is a summary statistic. Its a categorical variable (may be nominal or ordinal). That way its a discrete. In case of assay or yield computations it becomes a continuous variable. Naresh K Chawla
The dependent variable is usually plotted on the "y" or ordinal axis.
It depends how we have computed %age. By and large, percentage is a summary statistic. Its a categorical variable (may be nominal or ordinal). That way its a discrete. In case of assay or yield computations it becomes a continuous variable. Naresh K Chawla
Yes it is. It is an ordinal variable ( which means it is meaningful ) because rank has an order and it is meaningful to rank the soldiers.
It depends on how the variable is used. At its simplest, it would be a nominal or categorical value but, if used as part of a time series, it would be an ordinal variable.
Depends, if you're looking for the raw score then you have a continuous ordinal variable. If you have range of number of car accidents, then you have an interval variable.
Year of birth is interval level of measurement; age is ratio.