To some, life would be absolutely amazing without fractions! A whole lot of people hate fractions and would much rather just use decimals all of the time.
You cant get exact measurments
it wouldn't
Because trying to add them without a common denominator would yield an incorrect answer.
There would be no life because without the geometry of the water molecule, there would be no water. No water, no life.
no because without fractions we would have no accuracy
You cant get exact measurments
it wouldn't
You would use it when adding fractions.
Without seeing the fractions in question it would be assumed that they would form equivalent fractions.
life without ukulele would be dissapointing
Life would stink.
There would be no life.
Because trying to add them without a common denominator would yield an incorrect answer.
There would be no life because without the geometry of the water molecule, there would be no water. No water, no life.
Life would be nothing there's really nothing life would be without adrenal glands because really god created people such as( life) so to me i think life would live without adrenal glands;
A quadrilateral is a shape with four sides. A life without quadrilaterals would mean a life without squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and rhombuses.