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what machine can be used to measure sound waves

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Q: What machine is used to measure sound waves?
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What instrument measure the depth of the ocean using sound waves?

A device called a echo sounder or sonar is used to measure the depth of the ocean using sound waves. Sound waves are emitted from the instrument and the time taken for the sound waves to bounce back from the ocean floor is used to calculate the depth.

WHAT is the use of sound waves to detect and measure objects underwater.?

Sound waves are used in sonar technology to detect and measure objects underwater by sending out pulses of sound that bounce off obstacles and return to a receiver. By analyzing the time it takes for the sound waves to return, the distance to the object can be calculated. This technology is commonly used in navigation, submarine communication, and underwater mapping.

What tools are used to measure sound?

Tools used to measure sound include sound level meters, which measure the intensity of sound in decibels, and spectrum analyzers, which show the frequency components of sound. Other tools include acoustic calibrators for calibrating the measurement equipment and noise dosimeters for monitoring sound exposure over time.

What kind of waves are used in a Doppler machine?

Doppler machines use ultrasound waves to measure the velocity of blood flow in the body. These waves are high-frequency sound waves that bounce off tissues and blood cells to create Doppler images that show the movement and speed of blood flow in real time.

What is device is used that emits a sound wave to measure the ocean floor?

A sonar device is commonly used to emit sound waves and measure the ocean floor. Sonar works by sending sound waves downward, which bounce off the sea floor and return, providing information about the depth and characteristics of the ocean floor.

How do we use sonar?

Sonar is used to measure distances by transmitting sound waves and detecting their echoes as they bounce off objects. To use sonar, you typically send out sound waves from a source, wait for them to bounce back from objects in their path, and then measure the time it takes for the sound waves to return to determine the distance to the object.

What does herts mearsure?

Hertz (Hz) is a unit of measurement for frequency, representing the number of cycles per second. It is commonly used to measure the frequency of waves, such as sound waves or radio waves.

An oscilloscope can be used to produce visible pictures of sound waves. If an oscilloscope is used to measure the distance between the crests of a sound wave what property of the wave will it be measu?


A machine that sends out sound waves and uses the waves that are reflected back?

This sounds like a description of a sonar system, which uses sound waves to detect objects underwater by sending out a pulse of sound and measuring the time it takes for the sound waves to bounce back. Sonar systems are commonly used in navigation, fishing, and underwater mapping.

What is the Unit of measurement for sound?

Sound waves are basically mechanical waves. i.e they require a medium to pass.The Unit of measurement for Sound is actually dependent upon what physical feature of sound do you wish to measure. The most commonly used units used are dB (decibel) and Hz (hertz).

Why is an oscilloscope used to measure sound waves?

An oscilloscope is used to measure sound waves because it can visually represent the waveforms of sound signals in real-time. This allows for precise measurements of characteristics such as frequency, amplitude, and waveform shape, which are essential in analyzing and troubleshooting audio systems and equipment. Additionally, an oscilloscope can provide a visual representation that helps in identifying distortions or anomalies in the sound wave.

What does a sound sensor measure?

A sound sensor measures sound waves or vibrations in the surrounding environment. It converts the variations in sound pressure into electrical signals that can be analyzed or used to trigger other actions.