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Q: What mathematical equation is used for a circuit to find I when you know P and R?
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What is the mathematical equation you generally use to find the circumference of a circle when you know the diameter?

circumference of a circle = diameter*pi or 2*pi*radius

How do you know an equation is a mathematical statement that says two quantities are equal?

That is the definition of the term "equation".

How do you find the equation of a parabola if you know the equation of the tangent that touches it?

You need more than one tangent to find the equation of a parabola.

What does a semicolon mean in a mathematical equation?

Whomever wrote it doesn't know either. It is a crafty trick employed by lecturers, akin to waffling.

What is a mathematical concept?

I don't know I think a mathematical term is when you add up all numbers and then divide with the numbers you started with. I really want to know what a mathematical concept is. I just know what a mathematical term is. Oh also, I searched up mathematical term, so I think that it means to add up all the numbers then divide with the numbers you started with. I know, it makes no sense at all. But that is basically what I know about mathematical concepts... well terms. Oh well, I need to find out what a mathematical concept means anyway.

How do you know if a set of numbers is an equation?

An equation contains mathematical symbols, such as + - / *. However, there are also other kinds of mathematical symbols (algebra, trigonometry and calculus) which may look different and some of which are words. examples of this may be: cos(x) tan(x) sin(x) to name a few. There are however, more often than not, "standard" (+ - / *) operators in the more advanced mathematical equations to.

What does x mean in a math equation?

x is a variable. You do not have to know what its value is. In that equation you have to find the value of x, so if you already know what x stands for then you know the answer

What does the letters in algebra stand for?

The letters in algebra stand for unknown numbers or amounts that you are trying to find out (calculate).For instance you have 3 things and you want to find out how many you have to add to get 5 things. You call the unknown amount X (or any letter you like) and you use an algebra equation to find the answer. So:3 + X (the unknown) = 5...and you already know the answer is 2, but when you learn the rules of calculating with algebra, you will be able to find the answers to much more complicated mathematical questions. Basically, you call the unknowns any letter you want, then you make an equation using the numbers you do know, and then you solve the equation.

How do you find the x value of the vertex of a quadratic equation?

It depends on the level of your mathematical knowledge. One way is to differentiate the quadratic equation and find the value of x for which the derivative is 0. The advantage of this method is that it works for turning points of polynomials of all degrees. The disadvantage is that you need to know differentiation. For a quadratic, an alternative, and simpler way is to write the equation in the form: y = ax2 + bx + c Then the x value of the vertex is -b/2a

Where to find 3 KVA stabilizer circuit diagram?

i donot know

What is the value of R in ohm in the circuit diagram If the ammeter reads 320mA and the voltmeter 0.84V?

The equation you are looking for is R = E/I. The question wants to see if you know how to convert mA to amps. Do the conversion and then use the equation and you will have your answer.

What can you use to find a short-circuit?

A short circuit would blow a fuse. Most fuses are marked as to which circuit they protect. Now that you know which circuit is shorted you can examine the suspected circuit for problems like damaged/pinched wiring to ground.