An irrational number representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 22/7 (3.142857) is often used as a close representation, 355/113 is closer at 3.141529.
it is a number 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288... it's just a lot of numbers after that
Pi is a number defined as the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. many simplify it as 3.14, however, pi is an irrational number, so unless the number is specified in the directions or by the instructor, keep pi as its symbol similar to using an "x" in algebra
pi is not an abbreviation. It is a letter of the Greek alphabet symbol that symbolises one particular ratio.
Any mathematician will use the number pi (and its symbol) sooner or later - it is a number used extensively in many different areas of mathematics.
Depends on what symbol you are referring to.
it is a number 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288... it's just a lot of numbers after that
Pi is a number defined as the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. many simplify it as 3.14, however, pi is an irrational number, so unless the number is specified in the directions or by the instructor, keep pi as its symbol similar to using an "x" in algebra
The first time the symbol Pi was first used for Pi was in ancient Greece in their numbers. The symbol "π" was number 80 in Greece.
pi is not an abbreviation. It is a letter of the Greek alphabet symbol that symbolises one particular ratio.
Because pi is an irrational number that has an infinite amount of digits
Any mathematician will use the number pi (and its symbol) sooner or later - it is a number used extensively in many different areas of mathematics.
Depends on what symbol you are referring to.
Actually, the number was discovered and then a symbol had to be assigned to it. Letters of the Greek alphabet are traditionally used for mathematical things, to the symbol for pi was naturally chosen from the Greek alphabet.
Ferdinand von Lindemann proofed that the number Pi is transcendental.
the meaning of pie is a number. and the number that represents pie is 3.14159 but continues.
The symbol for pi is not a rational number because it can't be expressed as a fraction