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Q: What number should you set your freezer to in summer?
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What temperature Fahrenheit should your freezer be?

Your freezer should be set to 0°Fahrenheit (-18°Celsius) to keep food frozen and safe for consumption.

Does a freezer temperature get warmer if the dial is on a higher number or colder?

A freezer temperature gets colder when the dial is set to a higher number. The higher the number on the dial, the colder the freezer will be.

What should your refrigerated be set at?

The guidlines that came with my fridge/freezer advised a setting of +40C for the fridge and -180C for the freezer.

Why would snow melt in your freezer?

It shouldn't! Your freezer is too warm! It should be set below 0 °C (32 °F) and therefore snow should not melt inside of it.

Should your freezer temp be adjusted in the winter?

The People I talk to always say have it set at 68 degrees in the winter time

May-tag refrigerator side by side temperature should be?

My GE i just bought is factory set, freezer 0f and refrig factory set at 35f

Temperature of freezer?

Most food freezes at about 20°F (-7°C). However, most recommend that a freezer's temperature should be maintained cold enough to keep ice cream frozen brick-solid. Ice cream freezes at about 5°F (-15°C). Therefore, it is recommended that a freezer's temperature be maintained at 0°F (-17°C).

What temperature is food in a freezer?

it will assume the same temp at which the freezer is set.

How cold of temperature can a commercial freezer be set to?

A commerical freezer temperature can be set to 0 degrees to negative 40 degrees Celcius ( oC to -40C).

Should the thermostat be set and not turned off in summer and winter?

i dont know =D

Why your fridge freeze things?

If you mean, why does my fridge freeze things? It means that it is set a temperature that is too cold. Set it about 6-7 degrees above freezing. You should have a thermostat to use. It could also be affected by the setting in your actual freezer. Especially if you have a two or three door model with the freezer at the bottom of the unit. Check to see what your freezer setting is. It should be able to be dialed from "Warmer", "Colder" and "Coldest" settings. The last two settings are so cold they may affect the fridge temp as well as the freezer.

How do you set Hotpoint refrigerator freezer temperature?

remove access panel in freezer, replace thermostat