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you have to solve the actual equation in order to answer this about your variable

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Q: What number when substituded for the variable in an equation makes the equation true?
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a number when substituded in to an open sentence makes a true statement?

An equation or an inequality that contains at least one variable is called an open sentence. ... When you substitute a number for the variable in an open sentence, the resulting statement is either true or false. If the statement is true, the number is a solution to the equation or inequality.

What is the number that can replace a variable?

Answer 1 == In an open sentence (an equation or inequality with a variable in it), when a number replacing the variable makes the sentence true, then it is a solution.

What is a root of a quadratic equation?

The Quadratic Eq;n , when plotted on gaph paper, will reveal a parabola. This patrabola can intersect the x-axis in two places, just touch the x-axis or miss it altogether. The roots of a quadratic eq;n are the point(s) were the parabola intersects the x-axis. If is intersects at two points, then there are two roots. If it just touches the x-axis, then there is one root only. If it does not touch the x-axis, then the eq'n remains unresolved.

What is the value for a variable that makes an equation?

It's the value that when substituted in for the variable, makes the equation true. Ex: x + 1 = 3 The value 2, when substituted for the variable x, makes the equation true.

What is the value of a variable that makes an equation true?

That's the "solution" of the equation.

What is the independent variable in a an equation?

An equation can often be re-written so that the subject of the equation is changed. This makes it nonsense to define either variable as independent.

The value of the variable that makes an equation true is the?


What is the value of the variable that makes an equation true is an?

an solution

What does value of variables mean?

In algebra, variables are represented by letters such as x. A variable could be any number. That number is the "value" of the variable. In an expression, you can choose a number to put in for x, and simplify to get a number which is the value of the expression. In an equation, you can solve for the value of x, which will be the value of x which makes the equation true.

Is to an equation is any value of the variable that makes the equation true?

Such a value is said to be a solution, or a root, of the equation.

What do you call solutions to equations?

The Solution of an equation is the value of the variable that makes the equation truean answer

The value of a variable that makes an equation true?
