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Q: What numbers together with their opposites form the set of integers?
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What is the differences among integers rational numbers real numbers and irrational numbers?

Integers are whole numbers. They are the counting numbers, 0 and the corresponding negative numbers. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers (the second one being non-zero). Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational numbers. Rational and irrational number together form the set of real numbers.

Is the set of integers a subset of the set of rational numbers?

Yes. Integers are just rational numbers of the form a/1.

What are rational numbers but not integers?

The vast majority of rational numbers are not integers. They are numbers which can be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers which are co-prime and q > 1.

What is the opposite integer of 7?

7 all negative integers opposites are the positive form

When the negative integers the positive integers and 0 are combined the integers are formed?

Negative integers, zero and the positive integers, together form the set of integers.

What are the numbers that are irrational?

They are real numbers that cannot be expressed in the form of a ratio of two integers.

What numbers cannot be rational?

Numbers that cannot be expressed in the form of a ratio of two integers.

Which are rational numbers but not integers?

Rational fractions of the form a/b where both a and b are integers, b > 0 and, in its simplified form, the denominator is not 1.

How are integers and rationals numbers different?

All integers are rational numbers, not all rational numbers are integers. Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions, p/q, where q is not equal to zero. For integers the denominator is 1. 5 is an integer, 2/3 is a fraction, both are rational.

What do you mean of nonintegral rational numbers?

These are rational number that are not integers. In their simplest form, they are of the form a/b where a and b are integers and b is not 0 nor 1.

Irrational numbers can not be written in form?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero. Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational.Irrational numbers, therefore, are numbers that can notbe written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero.

What type of numbers are said to be in rational form and are referred to as rational numbers?

They are numbers which are written in the form p/q where p and q are integers.