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It depends on the exact nature of the problem.

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Q: What operation and fraction should you use to solve a problem w hen something is cut into eighths?
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What is the fraction for 80 eighths?

To best solve the problem what is the fraction for 80 eighths, you must first convert 1/8 into a decimal. One divided by eight is .125. You then take .125 and multiply it by 80. The answer is 10, or in fraction form, 10/1.

What fractions strips in an eights strip that have more than one mark that lines up with the marks on the eight strip?

If your teacher gave you an eighths strip like the one you made in Problem 1.2, which of the fraction strips you folded for Problem 1.2 would have more than one mark that lines up with the marks on the eighths strip?

What are homophones for parts of a whole and something that answers a math problem?

Quoting or fraction .

How do you find out 1 half- 1 eghth?


When do people use inverse operation?

people use inverse operations when there is a number like -3 then you change it to a regular problem like 3. you use it when something is opposite to the regular problem.

What is the Name of the answer to an addition fraction problem?

the answer is the addition fraction answer

How is a division problem similar to a fraction?

A fraction is a division problem. The line in a fraction can be thought of as the words "divided by." 3/4 = 3 divided by 4

Can a fraction division problem come up as a fraction as an answer?


Why can you write a division problem as a fraction?

when you are writing a division problem as a fraction u take the remainder of your problem and make it the numerator and make the number you are dividing by the denominator

The action performed in a math problem?

Is an operation.

What is the answer to a problem using the operation of multiplication?

well it matters on the problem your solving really.

What problem is in every fraction?
