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Q: What orbital has four orbitals of four lobes each and a fifth?
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Which orbital has four orbitals of four lobes each plus a fifth?

i have no idea hahahaha but it could be s p f or d

What subshell has four orbitals of four lobes each plus a fifth one?

The f subshell has seven orbitals, with one of them having four lobes and two of them having three lobes. The other four orbitals have varying numbers of lobes.

What is the type of orbital with five position on the axes?

A p orbital is the type of orbital with five positions on the axes: one along each of the x, y, and z axes, and two alternating along each pair of axes. The shape of a p orbital is typically dumbbell-shaped with lobes extending along the axes.

Which orbital has dumbbell shape?

The p orbital has a dumbbell shape. It comes in three orientations: Px, Py, and Pz. Each p orbital has two lobes that are opposite in phase and separated by a node at the nucleus.

What is the shape of the 3p atomic orbital?

The shape of the 3p atomic orbital is a dumbbell shape, with two lobes oriented along the x, y, or z axes. Each lobe has the same probability of finding the electron.

What shape are p orbitals?

P orbitals have a dumbbell shape, with two lobes separated by a node.

What is shape of an s orbital?

The probability density cloud for the orbitals are:* s-orbitals are shaped like spheres. * The three p-orbitals have the form of dumbbells. The three p-orbitals ina shell each are oriented at right angles to each other * Four of the five d-orbitals are four pear-shaped balls. The fifth is a torus. * Thee seven f-orbitals can best be described as "complex"

If three electrons are available to fill three empty 2p atomic orbitals how will the electrons be distributed in the three orbitals?

The three electrons will fill each of the three 2p atomic orbitals with one electron each. Hund's rule states that electrons prefer to occupy empty orbitals before pairing up, so in this case each orbital will have one electron before any orbital receives a second electron.

How many orbitals are in the third shell?

The third shell can hold a maximum of 18 orbitals. This includes one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d orbitals, totaling nine orbitals. Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.

Nitrogen has one electron in each of what orbitals?

Nitrogen has one electron in the 2s orbital and three electrons in the 2p orbitals.

How many orbitals can be found in a d orbital?

There are five orbitals in a d orbital: dxy, dyz, dxz, dx^2-y^2, and dz^2. Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons, resulting in a total of 10 electrons that can be accommodated in a d orbital.

Combination of one s orbital with one p orbital?

The combination of one s orbital with one p orbital forms a hybridized sp orbital. This hybridization occurs when an s orbital and a p orbital mix to create two equivalent sp orbitals that are linear in shape. The sp hybrid orbitals have 50% s character and 50% p character.