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Q: What periodontal instrument is used to detect calculus?
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Instrument used to detect gingival crevicular fluid?

A periopaper strip or microcapillary glass tube is commonly used to detect gingival crevicular fluid in the periodontal pocket. These instruments are placed in the gingival sulcus to absorb and measure the fluid for clinical evaluation of periodontal health.

What is sharp curette?

A periodontal or surgical instrument having a sharp, spoon-shaped working blade; used for debridement. The periodontal curet, available in many sizes and shapes, is used for root and gingival curettage.

What instrument is commonly used by the dentist to detect decay?

The explorer is used by the dentist to detect decay.

What is the instrument that is used to detect static charge?

An electroscope is the instrument used to detect static charge. It consists of a metal-leaf or needle that responds to the presence of electric charge by diverging from its equilibrium position.

Name the instrument used to detect radioactivity?

A Geiger-Muller counter is the instrument used to detect radioactivity by measuring ionizing radiation levels.

What instrument can be used to detect electron flow?

An ammeter is commonly used to detect electron flow in a circuit. The ammeter measures the amount of current (flow of electrons) passing through a specific point in the circuit.

What instrument is used to detect spirits?

a wee gee board

What is periodontal postoperative dressing?

A protective obtundent covering of the gingival and periodontal tissues used after periodontal surgery to aid in a rapid recovery.

What instrument is used to detect tsunami?

A tsunami detection buoy is one of the primary instruments used to detect tsunamis. These buoys are equipped with sensors that can detect changes in water pressure caused by a tsunami wave passing overhead. The data collected by these buoys is then transmitted to monitoring stations to provide early warnings.

Which effect is employed in instrument used by police to detect over speeding of vehicle?

Doppler effect

What do you call an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes?

Seismometer (or seismograph) and it measure seismic waves

What instrument is used to detect noise?

A sound level meter is typically used to detect noise. It measures the intensity (loudness) of sound in decibels (dB) to quantify noise levels in different environments.