

What places are clustered?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What places are clustered?
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What is the meaning of clustered?

Clustered means to spread something and looks messy. For instance, "you clustered all that butter on the floor!"Clustered means the all of your points are in a small general location. Instead of being in wide expanded areas with outliers. In short, clustered means bunched up.

What did streets ville grow as a clustered settlement or linear or scattered settlement?

clustered settlement

What does the term clustered mean?

Clustered is a word that means to be together or situated into a group. Some synonyms of the word are bunched, group, bunch, flock, or clump. Clustered together refers to a group of something.

In East Asia where is most of the population clustered?

In east Asia, the population is clustered along the coasts and rivers.

What sampling technique will be the best for the large population size?

Clustered sampling.Clustered sampling.Clustered sampling.Clustered sampling.

What is the definition of Clustered Servers?

Clustered servers are servers that all exist on the same network connection. If a number of servers are contained within the same room and are on the same connection, they would be considered clustered servers.

How do you use the word clustered in a sentence?

The houses in the village were clustered together like a bacterial colony.Clustered in groups of 4, the quarters were easy to count.Her friends clustered around her new puppy.Children clustered different groups of objects together by categories.

What is are three major patterns in settlement in Canada?

linear settlement (building are places in a straight line) clustered settlement (building are packed in an area) scattered settlement (building are placed far apart)

What three types of settlement pattern?

Dispersed settlements: characterized by homes spread out over a large area. Clustered settlements: where dwellings are grouped closely together, often forming villages or towns. Linear settlements: where buildings are arranged in a line, often along a road, river, or other linear feature.

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