The answer is SESQUI, it is the latin root for one and a half, normally used as a prefix, semis "half + que for "and".
"sesqui" is the prefix (from Latin) meaning one and a half.For example, sesquicentennial means 150 years.
The prefix "milli" means 1/1000. Therefore. to convert from liters to milliliters, you multiply by 1000.
Semilog (applied to a graph) means that one scale is logarithmic, the other not. The prefix "semi-" means "half" or "partially". The scale that is not logarithmic is, of course, linear.
The question is probably "What is a prefix?". A prefix is the first part of a word that changes the word's meaning. For example, "uninterested" in this word "un" is the prefix and "un" means "not". Also, "indescribable", "in" is the prefix and "in" means "not" as well. One more: "inflammable", "in" is the prefix again. However, this "in" means "is" (inflammable = is flammable).
Hemi is one prefix that means half. This is used in hemisphere.
half or somesemi means in half.
prefix "hemi" means half.
The prefix of semiannual is "semi-," which means half or partly.
Prefix means half.
The answer is SESQUI, it is the latin root for one and a half, normally used as a prefix, semis "half + que for "and".
It means Half.
The prefix that means one millionth is meta
A common prefix used in partial is "semi-", which means half or partly.
The prefix of "hemiglossectomy" is "hemi-", which means "half" or "partial."
"sesqui" is the prefix (from Latin) meaning one and a half.For example, sesquicentennial means 150 years.
A hemisphere is exactly one-half of a round ball or sphere cut through its center point. The prefix, "Hemi" means 'Half of".