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Chances are the C and the H are together with multiple amounts. If so you'll get carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)

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Q: What product is formed when C plus H plus O is combusted in air?
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How long does it take for a 200 pound object to fall 692 feet?

If they're not falling through air, then a bean and a battleship both fall 692 feetin 6.556 seconds. The weight of the object makes no difference.If the object IS falling through air, then in order to answer the question, we need toknow the object's shape, size, and volume, plus the temperature, humidity, density,and pressure of the air, at every altitude between the ground and 692 feet.

What happens if the atmosphere is 100 percent saturated?

I assume you're talking about having a relative humidity of 100%, correct?Relative humidity is current amount of water vapor in the air divided by the maximum possible amount of water vapor in the air at that temperature and air pressure. If you have 100% relative humidity, water cannot evaporate.The unfortunate result of this is that sweating in warm, high humidity air (90% plus) is counterproductive - your body can do better keeping cool with the water inside of you than it can with you covered in water that will maintain the atmospheric temperature for a while even if you find somewhere cooler to recover.RH is NOT the water content of the air - if that were so, everything in the South American rainforest would have drowned long since.

Why straight line fringes are formed in air wedge arrangement?

Each fringe in the pattern is produced by the interference of light rays reflected from sections of the wedge having same thickness.The locus of points having the same thickness lies along lines parallel to the contact edge.So fringes are straight.

How do you think the density of heated air compares to the density of cooler air?

The density of heated air is less than the density of cooler air.

What is 2t plus 5 equals 15?

Well see there is no real solution as life is nothing so therefore this question is not real and also to some extent neither are u or am i. Have u disappeared into thin air yet or has your head exploded if not then the government shields are working. 5

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When dilute nitric acid reacts with silver metal in the absence of air, the gaseous product formed is nitrogen monoxide (NO).

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