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commutative property

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Q: What property shows a plus b equals b plus a?
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A plus B and B plus A shows the property?

It shows the Commutative property.

What is the name of the property for a plus b equals b plus a?

it is the associative property

What math property is a plus b equals b plus a?

commutative property

Which property says that a plus b equals b plus a?

The commutative property.

Is a plus b equals b plus a illustrates identity property?


What property states a plus b equals b plus a?


What property is 2 plus 1 equals 1 plus 2?

The commutative property of addition. a + b = b + a

Is a plus b equals b plus a additive indentity?

no, it's the commutative property of addition.

What property is 4 plus 5 equals 5 plus 4?

This is Commutative property Given that A and B are real numbers (1,2,3 etc) (A+b) = (b+a) Commutative property , this shows that either given number that is equaled is always going to be the same answer. Ex. (5+1)=(1+5) Both are the same since they both equal 6 (A+b)+c = A+(b+c) Associative property.

What property is 8 plus 20 plus 12 equals 8 plus 12 plus 20?

Addition is commutative. That is, a + b = b + a for all a, b

What is the property of 4 equals x plus y then x plus y equals 4?

Symmetry, which states that if A = B then B = A Put A = 4 and B = x + y

What is the properties that justifies 3x plus 1 equals 1 plus 3x?

It is called the commutative property, a + b = b + a