If there are 73 questions, then you could potentially miss all 73 of them.
You can miss 15 but then must get every one correct.
To determine the number of questions you can miss out of 42 questions, you need to know the passing score or the minimum number of correct answers required. Without this information, it is not possible to specify the number of questions you can miss.
You would need to answer 52 questions correctly out of 73 to pass with a 71%. That means you could miss a total of 21 questions.
miss valentine
You can miss 10% of questions, or 12 questions
how many questions can you miss on the ase test
25 questions and u can only miss 5
If there are 73 questions, then you could potentially miss all 73 of them.
To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.
Sometimes questions can be the most common questions of them all. Common questions when searching for Miss Intrams is usually who, when, and how.
*Miss Cupid *Cupid *Miss Valentine *Kisses
Assuming that all questions score equally, you can miss out at most 7. And then need to get them all correct.
105 out of 150 is 70%. U can miss 45 questions for a 70%.
You can only miss 16 points on a 100 point test in order to get an 84%. If the questions are worth 2 points EACH, you can miss 8. If the questions are worth 4 points each, you can only miss 4 questions.
You have the right to miss all 80.