Infinity minus 1-you can't really express the number,in the same way you can't express infinity.
This is a trick question: Eight times infinity is infinity. Infinity + 84 is also infinity. Is this really what you do all day: thinking up these sophomoric questions? Get a life PLEASE.
That could be taken too many ways to really answer. Take a look at these: (In increasing order) Nine Hundred-Ninety Ninety Thousand-Ninety Ninety Duodecillion-Ninety (million is 1, billion is 2, dodecillion is 12) Ninety Googolplex-Ninety Ninety Googleplex Cubed. Infinity times infinity. Infinity Cubed Cubed (infinity to the power of three, then that to the power of three again) Infinity to Infinity (as in to the power of)
1 one infinity divided by infinity
If the question meant infinity, the answer is none. Infinity is not a number.If the question meant infinity, the answer is none. Infinity is not a number.If the question meant infinity, the answer is none. Infinity is not a number.If the question meant infinity, the answer is none. Infinity is not a number.
Not really, although there are different orders of infinity.
Chief Powhatan was also known as Wahunsunacock . But you really really shut up about it. Andrew Leshnick, Brandon Race, Zackary Breman I hate you infinity, your stupid infinity, and your dumb infinity!!!!
Infinity minus 1-you can't really express the number,in the same way you can't express infinity.
This is a trick question: Eight times infinity is infinity. Infinity + 84 is also infinity. Is this really what you do all day: thinking up these sophomoric questions? Get a life PLEASE.
Not exactly. Infinity means that the number goes on forever so you really can't add one to it.
Infinity is not really a number, it is more of a concept and it is very large. When you want to talk about something very small, you can extend the concept to negative infinity.When we use infinity in math problems we say we are dealing with extended real numbers.Many people thing of infinity as something very very large and you can get quite close but never get there. Same idea for negative infinity. Think of walking on the number line in either the positive or negative direction. The ends of it represent infinity and negative infinity but the number line goes on forever in both directions. So you can never really get to the end.
Yes they can. I didnt believe it until I had one.
minus infinity is not really a number, but some call it an extended real number. It is an idea or a concept. If you head down the number lines going to the left, that is to say from -2 to -3 to -100 then to -10000 and keep going forever and ever (which is a very long time) you will get to negative infinity or minus infinity.
no... because there is no such ting as infinity being a number ______________________________________________________________ Contributer 2: That's a right answer from contributer 1. But if you are really paranoid and desperately want to find out what infinity is, prepare to have your mind blown. This is not real #'s we are talking about. x/0 would equal infinity and -x/o equals negative infinity. We are assuming 0 is the threshold. This is not incorrect, simply very advanced.
She liked reptiles but she really loved snakes and gined an infinity toward them.