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Q: What relationship exists between two variables when their ratio is still a constant?
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How do you write an equation that represents points in a table?

The answer depends on what relationship - if any - exists between the points in the table. There need not be any relationship.

What is the relationship between the function's equation and the y-intercept?

The y-intercept is the value of the function (if it exists) when x = 0.

Can a best fit line be inverse?

Yes, but not at the level of mathematics you are at. In elementary statistics, the line of best fit (if it exists) is always a straight line representing a linear relationship between two variables. The equation of the line is most often calculated using the least squares method. [This minimises the sum of the squares of the vertical differences between the values "predicted" by the line and those actually recorded. The process always leads to a straight line. However, in more advanced statistics, you will learn about transformations. If the relationship between two variables, X and Y, is an inverse relationship, then the relationship between 1/X and Y is linear and you can fit a linear best fit line to the data set given by 1/X and Y. This can then be used to calculate the best fit inverse curve.

What is the difference between class variables and instance variables?

In the case of an instance variable, there is one copy for every instance (object). If you create 10 objects based on a class, there will be 10 copies of the variable. A class variable exists only once for the entire class - no matter how many objects you create - or even if you create no objects based on the class. In Java, such variables (class variables) are declared with the statickeyword.

What relationship exists between an enzyme and a catalysm?

Enzymes catalyze biochemical reaction in organisms by lowering the activation energy to begin a reaction, which, of course, requires some energy input.

Related questions

What relationship exists between two variable when their ratio is a constant?

Two variables whose ratio is constant have a linear relationship. The first variable is the second multiplied by the constant.

What must be present in order to say that a correlation exists?

A relationship between variables

When an experiment shows that one variable makes another variable change and no other variables any effect the experiment shows?

A direct relationship between the variables exists, where changes in one variable directly influence changes in the other variable, while other factors remain constant. This establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between the two variables in the context of the experiment.

What kind of relationship exists between the variables if your r value is close to plus 1?

When r is close to +1 the variables have a positive correlation between them; as the x-values increase, the corresponding y-values increase. There is also a strong linear correlation or relationship between the variables, when the value of r is close to +1.

What is correlatational study?

A correlational study is a research method that examines relationships between variables without manipulating them. It aims to determine if and to what extent a relationship exists between two or more variables, but it does not establish causation. The strength and direction of the relationship are typically measured using statistical techniques such as correlation coefficients.

What is illusory correlation?

Illusory correlation refers to the perception of a relationship between two variables that does not actually exist. This can occur when rare events are paired together in a person's mind, leading to the mistaken belief that there is a causal connection between them. In reality, the correlation is just a product of coincidence or bias.

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Competition is another relationship that exists between organisms

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The relationship between height and potential energy is directly proportional when mass is held constant. As an object is raised to a higher height, its potential energy increases. This relationship is given by the equation: potential energy = mass x gravity x height.

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Define directional vs non directional hypothesis?

A directional hypothesis predicts the direction of a relationship or difference between variables, stating which variable will have a greater or lesser effect. A non-directional hypothesis simply predicts that a relationship or difference exists between variables without specifying the direction.

What is the relationship that exists between mass and pressure?

The relationship between mass and pressure is directly proportional. As mass increases, pressure also increases, assuming the volume is constant. This relationship is described by the equation P = F/A, where P is pressure, F is force (which is related to mass), and A is area.