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It's cumulative frequency :)

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Q: What represents the number of times all outcomes less than a given outcome occur?
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Is there a formula for probability problems?

Yes. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to one. Given events that are equally likely to happen, the probability that any given outcome occurs will be equal to the number of specified outcomes, divided by the number of all outcomes. If events are not equally likely to happen - let's say that Bent-Nose Bill is holding a lottery - then the probability is considerably different. As Damon Runyan put it, "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet"

How do you find the theoretical probability of an outcome?

The first step is to find a model that adequately represents the situation. You then apply reasoning based on the laws of science, along with some assumption regarding the model, to find out how likely a given outcome is. That value is its theoretical probability.

What is the meaning of the word likelihood?

In statistics, a likelihood function (often simply likelihood) is a function of a statistical model. The likelihood of a set parameter values, given outcomes x, is equal to the probability of those observed outcome.

What is the difference between a favourable outcome and a possible outcome?

Given a specific event, a favourable outcome is when that event occurs. A possible outcome is an event that can occur.

What does mm xviii?

The Roman numerals "MM" represent the number 2000, and "XVIII" represents the number 18. Therefore, "MM XVIII" represents the year 2018.

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For a given event what is the result of dividing the number of successful outcomes by the number of possible outcomes?


What are the outcomes of appendicitis?

With prompt operation the outcome is very good. The outcome is disastrous when the patient is not managed correctly. Like given injections of morphine to relieve the pain.

What is frequency outcome?

Frequency outcome refers to the number of times a specific result occurs in a given data set or experiment. It is used to evaluate patterns, trends, or probabilities within the data to draw meaningful conclusions. By analyzing the frequency of outcomes, researchers can identify relationships and make informed decisions.

Is there a formula for probability problems?

Yes. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to one. Given events that are equally likely to happen, the probability that any given outcome occurs will be equal to the number of specified outcomes, divided by the number of all outcomes. If events are not equally likely to happen - let's say that Bent-Nose Bill is holding a lottery - then the probability is considerably different. As Damon Runyan put it, "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet"

What is a possible value?

A possible value is a specific number or result that is within the range of acceptable or expected outcomes for a given variable or scenario. It represents a potential option or solution that fits the criteria being considered.

What is probobility?

1: the quality or state of being probable 2:something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable 3 a (1): the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities

How many experimental outcomes are possible for the binomial and the Poisson distributions?

The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution. The number of possible outcomes depends on the number of possible successes in a given trial. For the Poisson distribution there are Infinitely many.

What is the ratio of the number of ways an event can occur to the number of possible outcomes?

The term is probability (theoretical probability), or how likely a given event is to occur.

When is a binomial distribution cumulative?

It is cumulative when you add together the probabilities of all events resulting in the given number or fewer successes.

How do you find the theoretical probability of an outcome?

The first step is to find a model that adequately represents the situation. You then apply reasoning based on the laws of science, along with some assumption regarding the model, to find out how likely a given outcome is. That value is its theoretical probability.

What is the meaning of the word likelihood?

In statistics, a likelihood function (often simply likelihood) is a function of a statistical model. The likelihood of a set parameter values, given outcomes x, is equal to the probability of those observed outcome.

What is the probability of a vowel being picked at random from the alphabet?

Probability is given as Desired Outcomes divided by total number of outcomes. For the probability of picking a vowel, desired outcomes are : a,e,i,o,u (5) Total no. of outcomes is the entire alphabet set from a to z (26) Hence, the required probabilty is 5/26