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Q: What scientific figures are digits read directly from the measuring instrument plus one more digit which is blank by the observer?
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What is the angle of declination and how do you use it?

An angle of declination is relevant when an observer is at a higher altitude than the object being observed. It is the angle made by the line of sight with the horizontal. Suppose this is angle x. Then if the altitude of the observer is known to be h, then line-of-sight distance to the object is h*sin(x). The object is h*tan(x) from the point below the observer at the level of the object.Conversely, if the line-of-sight distance from the object to the observer or the horizontal distance to the point directly below the observer is known, it is possible to calculate the height of the observer.

What is the Definition of face left and face right surveying?

taking readings using theodolite keeping the vertical circle of the instrument on left side of the observer is called a face left observation and to measure horizontal angle the instrument is rotated(swing) in horizontal plane with respect to the vertical axis in a clockwise direction called rigt swing.

How do you find the angle of depression?

The angle below horizontal that an observer must look to see an object that is lower than the observer. Note: The angle of depression is congruent to the angle of elevation (this assumes the object is close enough to the observer so that the horizontals for the observer and the object are effectively parallel; this would not be the case for an astronaut in orbit around the earth observing an object on the ground).

Is the sun particularly high in the sky at noon if it lies 63 degrees above the observer's horizon?

It is not particularly high but it may be the highest that it can get - depending on the observer's latitude.

What is meant by face left face right in theodolite?

When the vertical circle of the theodolite is to the left of observer, it is in face left position. Similarly when the vertical circle is to the right of observer it is in face right position.

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What is the point on the celestial sphere directly above observer?

The zenith.

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A telescope is used to observe distant objects by making them appear closer to the observer. Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to gather and focus light, allowing us to see objects that are far away with more detail and clarity.

Point directly overhead?

The point directly overhead an observer is called the zenith. It is located at a 90-degree angle from the observer's position, directly in line with their vertical axis. Astronomically, the zenith is used as a reference point for celestial coordinates and observing objects in the sky.

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a tubular optical instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which an observer obtains an otherwise obstructed field of view.

A is the point on the celestial sphere directly above the head of the observe?

That's called the observer's "zenith".

What is the imagenary point in the sky directly above an observer on Earth?

The imaginary point in the sky directly above an observer on Earth is called the zenith. It represents the highest point in the sky that an observer can see when looking straight up.

What is visable on the celestial sphere directly above the observer?

The point just overhead is called the zenith. The objects visible at that point depend on the date, the time of day or night, and the observer's location.