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An angle

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Q: What shape is made by two straight lines coming together at a point?
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What is the 2 or more straight lines meet is called?

When 2 or more straight lines meet...the point where they meet is called the point of intersection

Can two lines intersect into more the one point?

Not if they are straight lines.

What is the mean of graphical solution of two straight lines?

The graphical solution of two straight lines, if it exists, is a single point. If such a point exists, its mean will be itself.

How many straight lines are there in alphabet w?

There are no straight lines in the letter "W" because it is made up of two diagonal lines intersecting at a point.

The figure formed by two straight lines meeting at a point?

The intersection of two lines is a point. If both lines are straight the figure of four separate triangles are formed. The type of triangles are dependent on the angle of the intersection.

Can nine straight lines can be drawn from nine collinear points?

Yes. You can draw infinitely many straight lines from each point.

What is meant by angle?

point of intersection of 2 straight lines.

How many straight lines can pass through a point?


When two straight lines meet at a point what is it called?

an intersection

How many lines can intersect at a point?

How many lines can intersect at a point? Here is the REAL answer to that question. Intersecting lines have only one point in common, a Line is a endless straight path and it haves a made up of a continuous collection of points. Well what do u think... a line can intersect with and other line together forming into intersecting lines.

Two lines intersect at more than one point?

Curves yes, straight lines no

When two lines intersect do they intersect in different ponts?

No, two straight lines can intersect at only one point and that is their point of intersection.