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Q: What should I remember about solving quadratic equations?
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Which method of solving quadratic equations should be used when only an estimated solution is necessary?


What is a great website to use for quadratic equations?

Wolfram Alpha can solve not just quadratic equations, but all sorts of equations. Note that in this particular website, you can see the solution for free, but you need a paid subscription to show the steps. I am sure there are other websites that can help you as well; you may want to try a Web search for "quadratic equation", for example. On the other hand, you should definitely learn to solve quadratic equations on your own.

Why should you clear fractions when solving liner equations and inequalities?

it often simplifies arithmetic

Should any other factors be accounted for when solving equations?

Different equations call for different steps to be followed when solving them. Exponents, parenthesis, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all generally used.

What is the special cases of quadratic equation?

The standard form of a quadratic equation is: ax^2 + bx + c = 0. Depending on the values of the constants (a, b, and c), a quadratic equation may have 2 real roots, one double roots, or no real roots.There are many "special cases" of quadratic equations.1. When a = 1, the equation is in the form: x^2 + bx + c = 0. Solving it becomes solving a popular puzzle: find 2 numbers knowing their sum (-b) and their product (c). If you use the new Diagonal Sum Method (Amazon e-book 2010), solving is fast and simple.Example: Solve x^2 + 33x - 108 = 0.Solution. Roots have opposite signs. Write factor pairs of c = -108. They are: (-1, 108),(-2, 54),(-3, 36)...This sum is -3 + 36 = 33 = -b. The 2 real roots are -3 and 36. There is no needs for factoring.2. Tips for solving 2 special cases of quadratic equations.a. When a + b + c = 0, one real root is (1) and the other is (c/a).Example: the equation 5x^2 - 7x + 2 = 0 has 2 real roots: 1 and 2/5b. When a - b + c = 0, one real roots is (-1) and the other is (-c/a)Example: the equation 6x^2 - 3x - 9 = 0 has 2 real roots: (-1) and (9/6).3. Quadratic equations that can be factored.The standard form of a quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0. When the Discriminant D = b^2 - 4ac is a perfect square, this equation can be factored into 2 binomials in x: (mx + n)(px + q)= 0. Solving the quadratic equation results in solving these 2 binomials for x. Students should master how to use this factoring method instead of boringly using the quadratic formula.When a given quadratic equation can be factored, there are 2 best solving methods to choose:a. The "factoring ac method" (You Tube) that determines the values of the constants m, n, p, and q of the 2 above mentioned binomials in x.b. The Diagonal Sum Method (Amazon ebook 2010) that directly obtains the 2 real roots without factoring. It is also considered as "The c/a method", or the shortcut of the factoring method. See the article titled" Solving quadratic equations by the Diagonal Sum Method" on this website.4. Quadratic equations that have 2 roots in the form of 2 complex numbers.When the Discriminant D = b^2 - 4ac < 0, there are 2 roots in the form of 2 complex numbers.5. Some special forms of quadratic equations:- quadratic equations with parameters: x^2 + mx - 7 + 0 (m is a parameter)- bi-quadratic equations: x^4 - 5x^2 + 4 = 0- equations with rational expression: (ax + b)/(cx + d) = (ex + f)- equations with radical expressions.

How do you find equation when 2 equations and 1 coordinate is given?

By solving the simultaneous equations the values of x and y should be equal to the given coordinate

Why should you clear decimals when solving linear equations and inequalities?

It makes it allot less confusing. But, that is just my opinion.

How do you simplify quadratic equations?

You can combine equivalent terms. You should strive to put the equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. Once it is in this standard form, you can apply the quadratic formula, or some other method, to solve it.

What are the cons of using substitutionfor solving equations?

Biggest con: It doesn't always work ---- when we substitute, we want something easier, but that doesn't always happen. It is a little more Calculus as well though, When you try to simplify something,and you treat a block as a ingle variable, there are consequences, especially in Calculus as when you differentiate or integrate a block, you have to also consider the derivative and integral respectively within the block. In solving simple Linear and quadratic, even any polynomial of any degree, it should not be a problem. But there are all kinds of equations though.

Should any other factor be accounted for when solving an equation?

Different equations call for different steps to be followed when solving them. Exponents, parenthesis, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all generally used.

Xsquare plus 34x equals 56?

It doesn't look as if you can solve this easily with factoring; you might try completing the square, or use the quadratic formula, with a = 1, b = 34, c = 56.Improved answer:Presumably this is a quadratic equation in the form of x2+34x = 56.Rearrange the equation in the form of:x2+34x-56 = 0Then by completing the square or using the quadratic equation formula the values of x will work out as:x = -17- the square root of 345or x = -17+ the square root of 345Your maths tutor should be familiar with the above methods of solving quadratic equations if you're not too sure.

When solving equations how do you justify your steps?

You should state the property used, such as distributive property of multiplication over addition or addition property of equality, etc.