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In most real life cases, limiting an experiment to only one independent variable makes the whole experiment a waste of time. More often than not there are several independent variables.

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Q: What should be the only independent variable?
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What is the only variable that should be changed to test?

Independent variable

What is a variable that is change in an experiment?

The dependent variable is the variable that can change in an experiment.

What variable is the only one that purposely changed to test a hypothesis in an experiment?

Independent variable : )

Independent and independent variable in sentence?

Changes in the independent variable are independent of changes in any other variable,

What is the dependent and independent in a experiment?

The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.

Does the independent or dependent variable change?

The Independent variable is the one you control. The dependent variable is controlled by the Independent Variable.

Independent and dependent variable?

Math: Independent variable is what you change. Dependent variable is what you measure.

Does the independent variable on a graph cause the change in an experimental system?

No. It will only do that if the other variable is dependent on it.

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Why is the output value called the dependent variable?

because it can change according to the independent variable. this dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its output. the independent variable is not affected by the dependent variable because the independent variable if found out first.

What is the definition of an independent and dependent variable?

A independent variable is a particular variable that is being manipulated and the dependent variable is the result of the change of the independent variable. Ex. In an experiment the independent variable is what is being tested and the dependent variable is the result of the test.

What is an independent variable of an experiement?

The independent variable is the thing in the expeirment that you purposly change. If I took different sizes of paper airplanes and counducted an expieremnt to see which one went the farthest, the size of the airplanes would be the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE while the distance of flight would be the RESPNDING VARIABLE P.S- there can only be one independent variable in a controlled expierement.