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Hampsters are no different than mice at 1 week, they will look pink and their eyes will be closed.

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Q: What should hamsters look like at one week?
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When should you clean out your hamsters cage?

you should clean it once a week

Can 1 week old hamsters eat cucumbers?

You should absolutely leave baby hamsters alone until they are weaned.

How long do female hamsters have to be pregnant to have babies?

well if you are interested in breeding hamsters. I herd that you should leave a boy hamster in the cage with the girl hamster for 2 week then take him out then she should have them in 30 days or less. :)

How many times do hamsters need a bath?

Hamsters need baths atleast once a week or up to two times a week

How often should you clean out a hamster's cage?

It is recommended to clean a hamster's cage at least once a week. This includes removing soiled bedding, wiping down surfaces, and replacing food, water, and toys. A deep clean with soap and water should be done every month.

If baby hamsters are 1 week old and there mother won't look after them will they die?

Yes, sadly, because they need their mothers milk.

Is it normal for a hamsters teeth to fall out?

no it isnt, i would check with a vet to be sure that nothings wrong. well actually it is normal for hamsters teehth to fall out. they grow back just like ours do just feed your pet soft food untill then and it should be fine after about a week.

How old do baby hamsters have to be till you give them away?

it depends on the type of hamster you get. you should give baby hamsters away when they are two or three weeks depending n your type of hamster if it is a syran hamster you should give the babys away at two weeks other hamsters you can give it another week

How soon can hamsters conceive?

about 1 week.

Can hamsters have brocali?

yes, hamsters can but only give them small bits at a time. broccoli is a treat for them so only give it about once a week. your hamster may not like it if not try giving it sunflower seeds instead. decall (i have 8 hamsters lol)

Can hamsters eat strawberries?

Syrian hamsters (teddy bear hamsters) can eat strawberries as long as it is not too much. Dwarf hamsters can eat strawberries but should not because they are prone to diabetes so a strawberry could really affect their diet.

Should hamsters have some food every day or once a week?

It is better to feed hamsters a small amount daily. The food is less likely to get peed on or draw bugs this way. It keeps a fresh supply.