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use a ruler to measure the sides then do length times width

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Q: What should you use to find the surface area of a shoebox?
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How do you find the lateral area of a shoebox?

it's the same as a rectangle. LA= Ph (Perimeter x's Height)

The surface area of a box when given the surface area height and peremeter?

It should be relatively easy to find the surface area of a box when you are given the surface area.

How can I find a shoebox on Ancestry?

To find a shoebox on Ancestry, you can navigate to the "Shoebox" feature on the website. This feature allows you to save and organize records, photos, and other items of interest for your family history research. You can add items to your shoebox by clicking on the "Save" button when viewing a record or image. To access your shoebox, click on the shoebox icon at the top of the Ancestry website.

How do you find the surface area of a triangular surface?

to find the surface area you have to first find the area of each part then add the areas together.

Find the surface area?

It depends on the surface area of what!

How do you find surface area and volume of nets?

i think you should ask Wiki answers

What is the amount of space needed to cover something?

That would be called surface area. The way to calculate surface area varies depending on the shape of the surface. A quick google search such as "how to find surface area of a sphere" should solve your dilemma.

How do you calulate the surface area of the brick and its volume?

To calculate the surface area of a brick, you would find the surface area for each of the 6 sides, then add them together. To find the surface area of one of the faces/sides, you would multiply the length of the face in question by the width of that same face. If this is a regular brick, then the sides should match up, meaning if you do one side, then the opposite side should be the same surface area. To find the volume, you multiply the height of the brick by the length of the brick by the width of the brick.

How do you find the surface area of a parallelogram?

The formula to find the surface area of a parallelogram is Base*Height.

Find the surface area of a plate?

surface area of glass plate

How do you find a surface area?

Lenght X width = surface area

How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.