If it stays on your face, it fits.
"large density" ===> (relatively large mass) fits into (relatively small volume)
The straight line that best fits the data on a coordinate plane is the Line Of Best Fit.
The moon stone fits in it.
Yes you work in concert with the professional body piercer to select the jewellery that best fits the piercing you want.
the answer is ( i think...) capstone.... or mastaba wichever fits in your crossward puzzle!
Yes, stone is a sample of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space, and stone fits this definition. It is made up of atoms and molecules that give it its physical properties.
Yes, stone is a type of matter. Matter refers to anything that takes up space and has mass, and stone fits this definition as it is a solid material composed of minerals.
Why are they in any country. Why not in Canada. Canada has mountains, Canada is cold, so it fits the winter olympic setting.
no its a stone i think it fits more of the crystal category. or at least it goes with whatever the diamonds and sapphires are. whatever it is it is definitely not a stone or rock. oh wait its a GEM.
The Inuit inukshuk has evolved into more than just stone markers. It has become a symbol of leadership, cooperation and the human spirit. Each stone of an inukshuk is a separate entity but was chosen for how well it fits together with other stones.
The Inuit inukshuk has evolved into more than just stone markers. It has become a symbol of leadership, cooperation and the human spirit. Each stone of an inukshuk is a separate entity but was chosen for how well it fits together with other stones.
The guestion is too vague. It depends greatly on what part you are asking about. Jacob's conversations with the other wolves? At the Cullens home? You could also just see it how I do. I figure that the setting may not be given but you can always imagine a setting that fits the scene. With love, Emilie Jane
You get a webcamera and prop it up so it fits your tv screen other ways include purchasing a capture card and setting up a capture card.
Eevee fits under 3 cateogories (as Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon and Espeon are not stone evolution, 2 must interact with a certain stone and the latter 2 depend on happiness during night/day)Dawn:Kirlia (Male)Snorunt (Female)Dusk:MurkrowMisdreavusFire:VulplixGrowlitheEeveeLeaf:GloomWeepinbellExeggcuteNuzleafMoon:NidorinaNidorinoClefairySkittyShiny:TogeticSun:GloomSunkernThunder:PikachuEeveeWater:PoliwhirlShellderStaryuEeveeLombre