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Q: What sort of analysis would this statement produce Highlight and describe in detail the key features of an aquatic animal. quantitative data analysis qualitative data analysis inferential analysis?
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Quantitative data collection methods?

"There are many methods to collect data such as, interviews, meetings, observation, questionnaires and review internal documents.The above is incorrect, the statement above includes both qualitative and quantitative methods. "Quantitative research is about measuring a market and quantifying that measurement with data. Most often the data required relates to market size, market share, penetration, installed base and market growth rates.However, quantitative research can also be used to measure customer attitudes, satisfaction, commitment and a range of other useful market data that can be tracked over time.Quantitative methods include:Mail surveysStreet surveysTelephone surveysInternet surveysQualitative methods include:InterviewsFocus groupsObservation groupsShadowing

Would it be descriptive or inferential statistics to say that in the year 2010 that 148 million Americans will be enrolled in an HMO?

The question was posted in 2013 and so it is quite possible that the actual numbers for 2010 were available from some study. If that was the case, then the statement would be descriptive. However, it could be based on the number of Americans employed in HMOs in an earlier year together with projections based on other measures. In that case, it would be inferential.

What are examples of data a qualitative observations b theories c quantitative observations d measurements?

Data is the raw material used for collating information to represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or variables. Valid data can be gathered using carefully controlled observations or measurements. Qualitative observations are observations which can not be recorded numerically, they are qualities rather than quantities. Examples of qualitative observations are colour, type of material or taste. These observations may form the basis of information representing the attributes of a variable and as such they are data. Some may argue that qualitative observations are not always data as they may be observations of opinion rather than fact, I disagree with this argument. The true definition of a theory is a well-substantiated explanation or a well organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena. A theory may also be defined as an unproven conjecture. The use of the the word theory to mean a statement of opinion which cannot be substantiated is technically a colloquialism and should be disregarded. Data are often viewed as the lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived. As a theory is a system of accepted knowledge and knowledge is derived from data this suggests that a theory can not be data. Quantitative observations are observations which can be recorded numerically, they are quantities rather than qualities, such as shoe size, time, length or number of people. As with quantitative data, these observations may form the basis of information representing the attributes of a variable and as such they are data. Measurement of any quantity such as length, speed or pressure is the name given the process of estimating or determining the magnitude of a quantity or variable. Measurements by definition are representations of the attributes of a variable and as such they are data. Therefore a, c and d are data and b is not. Theories are not an example of data.

An example statement of qualitative observation?

An example is like when a store asks women how they feel about the store. When the woman give their descriptions and/or answers and/or thought and the store observes their reviews, that is a qulitative observation. Hope that helps.

What is a contradiction of a statement?

A contradiction of a statement is a statement that proves the previous statement wrong.

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What deacribes the statement the frog is 4cm long A Quantitative data B Inference C Control group D Qualitative data?

Quantitative data

What is the quantitative statement?

Quantitative means having numbers and measurements. qualitatitive does not. Qualitative Example: mix hydrogen and oxygen and you get water. Quantitative Example: mix two moles of Hydrogen and one mole of Oxygen to get one mole of water.

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Differentiate the two system of measurement?

A measurement must be quantitative, as the result is a quantity. A qualitative property is something that can't be measured, such as your opinion of someone, or of a book you have read. Absolutely incorrect. In science you have both qualitative and quantitative measurements. A quantitative measurement is just as it sounds, measuring the quantity of something. A qualitative measurement systematically measures the quality of a system. Temperature is a qualitative measurement of heat. Where as heat is a quantitative measurement of energy. You can't "add" temperature but you can "add" heat to a system by increasing the temperature or the mass of the system. Mass is a quantitative measurement, where as weight is a qualitative measurement of the force of gravity on a mass and is dependent on where it is measured (gravity). If you can "add" or "subtract" something it is quantitative. If you can only "change" it it is qualitative. Thus it is scientifically incorrect to say "adding weight", you must say "increasing weight".

What is a qualitative statement?

A qualitative statement is a descriptive statement that cannot be measured numerically. It often involves subjective judgments or observations about a particular characteristic or quality. Examples include "The artwork is beautiful" or "The movie was emotional."

The chances of winning the California Lottery are 1 in 22 million This statement describes?

inferential statistics

The statement the worm is 2 cm long is a?

Quantitative observation.

A lawyer wants the hook in the opening statement to?

Highlight the important points in the case.

Data at the ordinal level are quantitative only?

This statement is absolutely False due to the fact that quantitative level consist mainly in numeric situations.

Can a qualitative statement include numbers?

Yes. "The number zero was introduced by the ancient Indians."