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Data is the raw material used for collating information to represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or variables. Valid data can be gathered using carefully controlled observations or measurements.

Qualitative observations are observations which can not be recorded numerically, they are qualities rather than quantities. Examples of qualitative observations are colour, type of material or taste. These observations may form the basis of information representing the attributes of a variable and as such they are data. Some may argue that qualitative observations are not always data as they may be observations of opinion rather than fact, I disagree with this argument.

The true definition of a theory is a well-substantiated explanation or a well organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena. A theory may also be defined as an unproven conjecture. The use of the the word theory to mean a statement of opinion which cannot be substantiated is technically a colloquialism and should be disregarded. Data are often viewed as the lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived. As a theory is a system of accepted knowledge and knowledge is derived from data this suggests that a theory can not be data.

Quantitative observations are observations which can be recorded numerically, they are quantities rather than qualities, such as shoe size, time, length or number of people. As with quantitative data, these observations may form the basis of information representing the attributes of a variable and as such they are data.

Measurement of any quantity such as length, speed or pressure is the name given the process of estimating or determining the magnitude of a quantity or variable. Measurements by definition are representations of the attributes of a variable and as such they are data.

Therefore a, c and d are data and b is not.

Theories are not an example of data.

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Q: What are examples of data a qualitative observations b theories c quantitative observations d measurements?
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Give 5 examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?

EXAMPLE: Painting Qualitative: Blue Paint, Gold Frame, Smells Musty, Texture Shows Oils were Used, Scene of boats on a river Quantitative: Cost is $300, Weighs 8.9 lbs, Painting is 10" by 14", Frame is 14" by 18", Surface Area is 140 Sq. In. (Qualitative deals with descriptions and can be observed but not measured. Quality. Quantitative deals with numbers and can be measured. Quantity.)

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Question: What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations and methods and what are some examples of each? Answer: From Wikipedia for QUALITATIVE Qualitative research is one of the two major approaches to research methodology in social sciences. Qualitative research involves an indepth understanding of human behaviour and the reasons that govern human behaviour. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research relies on reasons behind various aspects of behaviour. Simply put, it investigates the why and how of decision making, as compared to what, where, and when of quantitative research. Hence, the need is for smaller but focused samples rather than large random samples, which qualitative research categorizes data into patterns as the primary basis for organizing and reporting results. From Wikipedia for QUANTITATIVE Quantitative research is the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural and social sciences, from physics and biology to sociology and journalism. It is also used as a way to research different aspects of education. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. The term quantitative research is most often used in the social sciences in contrast to qualitative research. Examples of qualitative statements/observations: The freezing point of water is colder than the boiling point. The sun is very bright. A liter of water is heavier than a liter of ethanol. Examples of quantitative statements/observations: The freezing point of water is 0 °C and the boiling point is 100 °C. The sun's intensity on earth is 100 W m-2. A liter of water weighs 1000 grams and a liter of ethanol weighs 789 grams. Above retrieved from

What does qualitative observation men?

Qualitative observation involves using the senses to gather information about the characteristics or qualities of an object, event, or phenomenon without measuring or using numbers. It is often descriptive in nature and can provide valuable insights into the observable features of a subject.

Qualitative and quantitative examples?

Qualitative properties are properties that are observed and can generally not be measured with a numerical result. They are contrasted to quantitative properties which have numerical characteristics.

Would you give 10 examples of qualitative and quantitative observation?


Compare Quantitative and Qualitative Data?

Quantitative data is measurable and numerical in nature. In contrast, qualitative data is any data that is not numerical and cannot be measured, only observed. Examples of quantitative data include age, height, year, and population. Examples of qualitative data include color, gender, country, and city.

What are some examples of quantitative data?

Quantitative data is data that measures quantity, as opposed to qualitative data which describes quality. Some examples of quantitative data pertaining to weather would be: measurements of precipitation, records of number of days per month without precipitation, percentage of the chance of precipitation, records of daily high temperatures.

Difference between qualitative and quantitative?

Qualitative and quantitative data are both 2 important types of data. Qualitative data is data based on observation and description. An easy way to remember this, Qualitative ---> QUALity. Examples of qualitative data are when you record colors, smells, textures, etc... Quantitative data is based on numerical values. An easy way to remember this, Quantitative ---> QUANTity. An example of quantitative data are any type of numerical values.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations based on the examples given?

This answer is completely impossible , it's a proven fact by all scientist ! /: & i absolutley L.O.V.E when you text guys & they , respond with smiley faces & hearts . (: <33

Could you give at least 5 example quantitative qualitative observation?

Sure. Quantitative observations: Measuring the temperature of water, counting the number of leaves on a plant, recording the weight of an object, timing how long it takes for a pendulum to swing, measuring the length of a book. Qualitative observations: Describing the color of a flower, noting the smell of freshly baked bread, observing the texture of a rock, listening to the sound of chirping birds, feeling the softness of a cotton fabric.