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It should be set at 6 miles per hour. This will give a time of 20 minutes for two miles.

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Q: What speed should the treadmill be set on to run 2 miles in 21 minutes?
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What speed should you run on a treadmill to get a distance of 2.2 miles in around 20 minutes?

Set the treadmill at 6.6 mph

What is the fastest speed this treadmill can go?

This treadmill's maximum speed is 12 miles per hour. It's lowest speed is 0.1 miles per hour.

What speed is 7.7 on a treadmill?

The speed on a treadmill is 7.7 miles per hour. When you are going this fast, it is a pretty quick for you to go.

How long to walk on treadmill equal to 4 miles?

It depends what you are aiming for. Do you just want to become physically fitter or do you want to lose weight?For example, I run for around 8 minutes on 5-5.2,then I switch to 4 speed 2 incline for 10 minutes,then I run on 5 speed for another 2-3 minutes,then I switch to 10 incline 3.5-3.8 speed for 7 minutes,then back to 4 speed on 4 incline for 5 minutes.For information about how to lose weight walking on a treadmill, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What is the treadmill pace to run a 6 minute mile?

You must maintain an average of 10 mph for one mile.

What speed should you run at to do 1.5 miles in 14 minutes?

1.5 miles per 14 minutes ~6.42 miles per hour

What is the treadmill speed to run a 13 minute mile?

To run a 13-minute mile you will need to average 4.62 miles per hour for the whole 13 minutes.

How far is 300 meters on a treadmill?

0.19 miles is about 300 metres. Hard to set .19 miles on a treadmill. What i do is set the sprint speed on the treadmill at 10 miles per hour, and time it for 60 seconds. I make .19 or so in the 60 seconds and that includes the treadmill warming up. Takes about 8 seconds for it to get up to the 10 mph sprint speed.

How long will it take to do a marathon on treadmill at speed 6 mph?

4 hours 22 minutes.

What is the treadmill pace to run 12 minute mile?

5 minutes The 6.0 you read usually means six miles an hour therfore you can do the math and it comes out to about 15 minutes.

How many calories are burnt running for 30 minutes?

about 550 to 600 calories if ran on a treadmill at speed 10

How long should you start walking on a treadmill for the first time?

It depends on your physical condition. If you can, try to start out with 20 minutes of walking with 3 miles per hours. Do this every other day for two weeks, and you are ready to start loading some more time to the table. Add 5 more minutes in the next two weeks until you hit 30 minutes of walking in that speed. After that your primary goal is to do the thirty minutes of exercising with more intensity. Add some speed to the treadmill every other week until you hit 8 miles per hour. From this point on, you should focus on trying to get more and more time to your workouts, until you hit one hour workouts. After that, you should be in a great physical condition and keep that up or consult a professional trainer about what to do next if you still want to improve.