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Squares always have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. A square cannot have just one pair of parallel sides.

A quadrilateral (four-sided figure) with exactly one pair of parallel lines is a trapezoid.

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Q: What square has exactly one pair of opposite sides that are parellel?
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A rectangle or a square.

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Nothing. 'parellel' is not a word. therefore nothing can 'be' it.

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A square

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A trapezium

Quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parellel sides?

A trapezoid

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parallelogram. also squares. which are parallelograms

Its pairs of opposite sides are parellel but unequal?

If all pairs of opposite sides are parallel, each pair must be equal.

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Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram

A shape with 4 equal-length sides opposite sides parellel but no right angles?

A Rhombus

What is the quadrilateral with 2 sides the same length opposite sides are parellel sides are not 90 degrees?

This would be a parallelogram or a rhombus. A parallelogram is like a pushed over rectangle and a rhombus a pushed over square. All sides are equal length and parallel on a rhombus but opposite sides are equal and parallel on a parallelogram. None of the sides are joined by 90 degree angles.