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Q: What statement is true about land hopping?
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True Statement #1: They are deadly. True Statement #2: Land mines are indiscriminate, they kill or maim anyone who steps on or near them. See the links below for more information.

What is the antonym for hopping?

The antonym word for hopped is land

is this statement true or false BC?

If the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then "This statement is false" is true, making the statement false. But if the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then... It's one of the biggest paradoxes ever, just like saying, "I'm lying right now."

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Circular logic would be a statement or series of statements that are true because of another statement, which is true because of the first. For example, statement A is true because statement B is true. Statement B is true because statement A is true

Is the native hopping mouse Australian?

Yes. There are several species of native hopping mouse which, apart from the bat and some native rats, are the only true native placental terrestrial mammals in Australia. Species include the Spinifex Hopping Mouse, also known as the Brown or Northern Hopping Mouse, and the Dusky Hopping Mouse.

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In computing, this is an AND statement.

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always true

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If a conditional statement is true then its contrapositive?

If a conditional statement is true then its contra-positive is also true.

Is the equation for power is distance multiplied by time a true statement?

No, it is not a true statement. It is a false statement.