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The point can be called anything at all ... midtown Manhattan, Everest's peak,

the south pole, or St. Peter's Basilica. A pair of coordinates can have any name

at all, because every point on earth has a set of them.

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Q: What the specific point on a map indicated by latitude and longitude called?
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Related questions

What is a book containing longitude and latitude called?

A book containing longitude and latitude is called an atlas or a map book. It provides geographic coordinates that help in locating specific places on Earth.

What is a specific description such as an address of where a place is located this is usually expressed using longitude and latitude called?

absolute location

Are latitude lines called meridian?

Each 'meridian' is a line of constant longitude.

What do you call 0 degrees latitude and longitude?

The point where the equator crosses the prime meridian is known as the Null Island, with coordinates (0, 0). It is a fictional island and serves as a placeholder for data where coordinates are invalid or not available.

What are the nicknames for latitude and longitude?

Latitude is often referred to as parallels, and longitude is often called meridians.

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What is the Network of parallels and meridians on the globe is called?

You mean latitude and longitude?

This is formed when the latitude and longitude lines meet?

An intersection of latitude and longitude lines is called a coordinate, pinpointing a specific location on Earth's surface. The coordinates are typically measured in degrees to indicate the exact position, with latitude lines running horizontally and longitude lines vertically. This system enables precise mapping and navigation.

What is intersecting of longitude and latitude called as?


What are the coordinates of a location called?

longitude and latitude

What are the lines of the globe called?

latitude and longitude

What is another name for a line in longitude and latitude?

Another name for a line of longitude and latitude is a "coordinate line" or "grid line." These lines help to form a grid system that is used to pinpoint specific locations on Earth's surface.