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Correlation analysis. But you will need a lot more knowledge of statistics before you can decide whether the result is [statistically] significant or not, and if it is, what that means.

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Q: What type of research describes the strenghth and direction of relationships between two variables?
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This is the type of research that describes the strength and direction of relationships between variables?


Which of the answers best describes the social sciences?

The theory or theories that can best explain the relationships between the key variables in your study.

How variables are expected to be related to one another often according to predictions from a theory?

Variables are expected to be related to one another based on the assumptions and logical reasoning within a theory. The theory specifies the nature and direction of relationships between variables, guiding the researcher's predictions. These relationships can be tested through empirical research to evaluate the theory's validity.

What type of research is usually based on numerical measurements?

A type of research that is usually based on numerical measurements is known as quantitative research. This style of research is used to examine relationships among variables, describes variables, and is useful in determining cause and effect interactions between variables.

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How are variables used to show relationships?

Variable are used to show relationships by multiple ways.

What is refernce direction?

A reference direction is the designated way in which measurements or observations are made. It helps provide consistency and a frame of reference for analyzing data or understanding relationships between variables. It is typically established based on conventions or specific requirements for a particular field or study.

What are two types of mathematical relationships that exist between different variables?

Direct or inverse relationships,that is a problem

What are some relationships that exist between variables?

Causation, correlation...

What are interfering variables?

An intervening variable is a hypothetical internal state that is used to explain relationships between observed variables

What is correlatational study?

A correlational study is a research method that examines relationships between variables without manipulating them. It aims to determine if and to what extent a relationship exists between two or more variables, but it does not establish causation. The strength and direction of the relationship are typically measured using statistical techniques such as correlation coefficients.

How do you determine the relationships between the variables?

That's exactly what the equation tells you.