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ax3 + bx2 + cx

x(ax2 + bx + c)

you get one answer as 0.

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Q: What type of solution do you get for quadratic equations where d 0?
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Why are there usually two solutions to a quadratic equation?

In the graph of a quadratic equation, the plotted points form a parabola. This parabola usually intersects the X axis at two different points. Those two points are also the two solutions for the quadratic equation. Alternatively: Quadratic equations are formed by multiplying two linear equations together. Each of the linear equations has one solution - multiplying two together means that the solution for either is also a solution for the quadratic equation - hence you get two possible solutions for the quadratic unless both linear equations have exactly the same solution. Example: Two linear equations : x - a = 0 x - b = 0 Multiplied together: (x - a) ( x - b ) = 0 Either a or b is a solution to this quadratic equation. Hence most often you have two solutions but never more than two and always at least one solution.

What are the degrees of quadratic equations?

A quadratic equations have a second degrees, such that Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0

What is the solution of rational equations reducible to quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has the solutions x = [-b +/- sqrt(b2 - 4*a*c)]/(2*a)

Why do quadratic equations where the discriminant is 0 have exactly 1 real solution?

Suppose the quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and D = b^2 - 4ac is the discriminant. Then the solutions to the quadratic equation are [-b ± sqrt(d)]/(2a). Since D = 0, the both solutions are equal to -b/(2a), a single real solution.

Why are Quadratic equations which are expressed in the form of ax2 plus bx plus c 0 where a does not equal 0 may have how many solutions?

Why are Quadratic equations, which are expressed in the form of ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a does not equal 0,

Why quadratic equations have two solutions?

If the discriminant of b2-4ac of the quadratic equation is greater the 0 then it will have 2 solutions.

Do all quadratic equations have two solutions?

I may only be in 8th grade but I am absolutely positive that all quadratic equations have 2 solutions. No - They may have 0,1, or 2 answers For example, the problem x^2 + 8x +16 = 0 has only one solution -4. This is because the radical evaluates to 0 rendering the +/- sign irrelevant.

Solving quadratic equations by factoring?

(k + 1)(k - 5)= 0

Are there no real solutions if a quadratic function is 0?

If a quadratic function is 0 for any value of the variable, then that value is a solution.

When solving a quadratic equation by factoring what method is used?

Start with a quadratic equation in the form � � 2 � � � = 0 ax 2 +bx+c=0, where � a, � b, and � c are constants, and � a is not equal to zero ( � ≠ 0 a  =0).

How many solutions are there to the equation x2-48 equals 0?

Quadratic equations like this one usually have two solution. Sometimes they have one (so-called "double") solution. If you solve it, you'll know for sure.

Can a system of two quadratic equations have two solutions?

Yes. It can have 0, 1, or 2 solutions.