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If there are an odd # of consecutive numbers, they will.

If there are an even # of numbers, the mean will be halfway between the two medians.

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Q: When you have a consecutive numbers will the mean and median always be the same?
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How does the mean compare to the median?

The mean and the median are both involved with a set of numbers. The mean refers to the average of the numbers. The median refers to the middle number of the numbers

How does the mean and the median compare?

mean is the average of a bunch of numbers. the median is the middle number of the bunch. if the bunch has an even amount of numbers, you average the middle 2 numbers to get the median.

Can the median and mean be different?

Yes they can. That is why we have them. We would not need both if they always gave the same value. A mean is the total of numbers divided by the amount of numbers. A median is the middle value in the list when it is in numerical order. Usually they are similar, but not always the same. If there is an extreme number, much different than all the others, then the mean and median will be very different. Take 1, 3, 4, 7, 900. 4 is the Median. 183 is the mean. 183 is not very representative of the set, which is why a median actually works better here.

Are the mean and median always nearly equal?

No, not always. Sometimes they are equal. Sometimes they are close to each other, but not exactly the same. Sometimes they are very different. It depends on the numbers that are being used to calculate the mean and median. The way each is calculated is different. The mean is got by adding all the numbers and dividing by the amount of numbers. The median is got by arranging the numbers in order and finding the middle value in the list, if there is an odd amount of numbers, or the value half way between the two middle values when there are an even amount of numbers.

What if there are 2 numbers in the median?

If there are 2 numbers as the median, you find the mean of those 2 numbers. (add both numbers and divide by 2)

Related questions

What 3 consecutive numbers that have the same mean and median?

All sets of 3 consecutive numbers will have the same mean and median

Are the mean median and mode always numbers from a list of data?

the median and mode are but the mean is not

The average of 5 consecutive numbers is 124 Write down the smallest numbers?

122, 123, 124, 125, 126. The only way for the mean of 5 consecutive numbers to be 124 is if the median is also 124.

Are median and mean always similar?

No, not always. Median is the number that's in the middle of a group of numerical data. Mean is just the average of a set of numbers, which isn't always in the middle.

Will the sum of 6 consecutive numbers always be divisble by 3?

If you mean six consecutive INTEGERS, then the answer is Yes.

Do the mean median and mode of a collection of numbers always have to be different?

No, in a normal distribution they are the same.

How does the mean compare to the median?

The mean and the median are both involved with a set of numbers. The mean refers to the average of the numbers. The median refers to the middle number of the numbers

What is the median of 80 and 81?

It is 80.5, the number halfway between them. Median means "half of the numbers are above and half are below". With only two numbers we just split the difference. In this case the Median and the Mean are the same number - but this is not always the case. If our numbers were 80, 80, 81, 83, the Median would still be 80.5 but the Mean would be 81.

What is the median of 43 and 38?

It is 40.5, the number halfway between them. Median means "half of the numbers are above and half are below". With only two numbers we just split the difference. In this case the Median and the Mean are the same number - but this is not always the case. If our numbers were 43, 38, 33, 46 the Median would still be 40.5 but the Mean would be 40

How does the mean and the median compare?

mean is the average of a bunch of numbers. the median is the middle number of the bunch. if the bunch has an even amount of numbers, you average the middle 2 numbers to get the median.

What is the median of four numbers?

Arrange the numbers from smallest to greatest. The mean of the middle two numbers is the median.

Can the median and mean be different?

Yes they can. That is why we have them. We would not need both if they always gave the same value. A mean is the total of numbers divided by the amount of numbers. A median is the middle value in the list when it is in numerical order. Usually they are similar, but not always the same. If there is an extreme number, much different than all the others, then the mean and median will be very different. Take 1, 3, 4, 7, 900. 4 is the Median. 183 is the mean. 183 is not very representative of the set, which is why a median actually works better here.