To convert 9.5714 into a mixed number, we first look at the whole number part, which is 9. The decimal part, 0.5714, can be converted into a fraction by placing it over its place value, which is 10000 (since there are four decimal places). This gives us 5714/10000. Simplifying this fraction gives us 571/1000. Therefore, 9.5714 as a mixed number is 9 571/1000.
First, determine the largest quotient that divided the number in the numerator by the divisor. Then, the remainder gives you the fraction, giving us the mixed fraction. For example: 20 / 3 = (6 * 3 + 2) / 3 = 6 + (2 / 3)
To convert 6.4 into a mixed fraction, you would first write 6 as the whole number part. Then, to calculate the fraction part, divide the decimal part (0.4) by its place value (0.1). This gives us 0.4 รท 0.1 = 4. Finally, write the mixed fraction as 6 4/10 or simplified as 6 2/5.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To find the reduced mixed fraction for 5.04, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. 5.04 is the same as 504/100. Then, we simplify the fraction to its lowest terms, which gives us 126/25. And there you have it, a lovely reduced mixed fraction for 5.04!
To convert the decimal 3.64 to a mixed number, we first write it as a fraction by placing 64 over 100 (3.64 = 364/100). Then, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4. This gives us 91/25. Therefore, 3.64 as a mixed number in simplest form is 3 16/25.
To convert 3.85 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 3. The decimal part .85 can be expressed as a fraction over 100, which is 85/100. Simplifying this fraction gives us 17/20. Putting it all together, 3.85 as a mixed number is 3 17/20.
To convert 1.625 to a mixed number, we first look at the whole number part, which is 1. Next, we convert the decimal part .625 to a fraction by considering the decimal places. Since there are three decimal places, the fraction part will be 625/1000. Simplifying this fraction gives us 5/8. Therefore, 1.625 as a mixed number is 1 5/8.
A mixed number consists of two parts, the whole number and the fraction. For example, 2 1/4. The whole number will not change when converting the mixed number to a decimal. To convert the fraction part, divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. With 2 1/4, we divide 1 by 4. This leaves us with 0.25. We add this to the whole number we had originally (2 + 0.25), so our final answer is 2.25. Let's try with another mixed number.We start with the mixed number 6 2/5.We leave 6 alone; this is the whole number portion of the mixed number.We convert the fraction, 2/5.2 divided by 5 is 0.4.We add the whole number to the decimal (6 + 0.4).Our final answer is 6.4.
To convert 9.5714 into a mixed number, we first look at the whole number part, which is 9. The decimal part, 0.5714, can be converted into a fraction by placing it over its place value, which is 10000 (since there are four decimal places). This gives us 5714/10000. Simplifying this fraction gives us 571/1000. Therefore, 9.5714 as a mixed number is 9 571/1000.
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To convert the decimal 2.0625 to a mixed number, we first identify the whole number part, which is 2. The decimal part 0.0625 can be expressed as a fraction by placing it over its place value, which is 10000 in this case. Simplifying the fraction gives us 625/10000. Therefore, 2.0625 as a mixed number is 2 625/10000.
First, determine the largest quotient that divided the number in the numerator by the divisor. Then, the remainder gives you the fraction, giving us the mixed fraction. For example: 20 / 3 = (6 * 3 + 2) / 3 = 6 + (2 / 3)
To convert the decimal 5.92 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 5. The decimal part .92 can be converted to a fraction by placing it over 100 (since there are two decimal places). This gives us 92/100. Simplifying this fraction gives us 23/25. Therefore, the mixed number of 5.92 is 5 23/25.
To convert 6.4 into a mixed fraction, you would first write 6 as the whole number part. Then, to calculate the fraction part, divide the decimal part (0.4) by its place value (0.1). This gives us 0.4 รท 0.1 = 4. Finally, write the mixed fraction as 6 4/10 or simplified as 6 2/5.
It is 9 and 5/8 in its simplest form as a mixed number
4 and 7/8