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Q: What uses large numbers and symbols to summarise amounts of information?
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What is the location of a source?

The location of a source is where you found it. A source is where you got your information from. Information is facts, numbers, etc. Numbers are symbols representing quantities. Quantities are amounts of stuff. Stuff is anything basically. Anything is everything. Everything can be a cheeseburger.

What do you call a graph using symbols to show amounts?

what graph uses symbols to represent amounts

What is a nortation?

A notation is an annotation or a note. It can also be a written symbols that are in a series that are used to represent various things such as amounts or numbers.

why do Chemical equations use symbols instead of words to summarise chemical reactions?

To understand the coupling and decoupling of compounds in transit based on chemical reaction.

What do the lectern symbols represent?

The lectern symbols represent the different levels of importance or priority of the information being presented. Typically, symbols include stars, exclamation marks, arrows, or numbers to indicate the significance of the content.

Did Egyptian hieroglyphics include symbols for numbers?

Yes, hieroglyphics included symbols for numbers.

What are the symbols used in Irish numbers?

The symbols used in Irish numbers are the same as in English numbers, which are the digits 0-9.

Why do you use symbols and pictures in health and social care?

reasons why people use symbols and signs in health and social care settings are because cetain sevice users may have a difficulty in speaking or they are deaf so there would be symbols to show to summarise what you are wanting them tyo do or what the client wants to do

What is the formula of combination of letters numbers and some symbols in Excel?

A combination of letters and numbers and symbols is a character set. To use a formula to combine letter and numbers and symbols is known as concatenation.

Is the information stored in a floppy disk as words or numbers?

as magnetic flux changes, representing numbers, which MAYbe a code representing letters or symbols, which may be parts of words. or it may all stay numbers.

A graph in which small symbols represent amounts or quantities?

A pictogram.

A combination of chemical symbols and numbers that represent a substance is?

A chemical formula is a combination of chemical symbols and numbers that represent a substance. It provides information about the types of atoms and the ratio in which they are present in a compound.